The Top 10 Signs You Are A Female Bike Racer in the Rural Southeast: (Written by an anonymous friend  of mine that just moved here from the west coast. Reposted with her permission.)

10. You make a point of wearing your blaze-orange wind vest during deer season. 
9. You hear country music, and especially "Sweet Home Alabama", played repeatedly in the weight room. 
8. You routinely change flats with a fifty-cow audience. 
7. The convenience store lady in the small Tobacco Town, NC (50 miles from anywhere) has never seen cyclists come through her store before, but treats you like long-lost family anyway. 
6. You don't spend your ride time dodging cell phone-wielding commuters, you spend it dodging guys in dirty pickup trucks with gun racks. (Carefully-- 90% of the time, the gun racks have guns in them which may or may not be loaded.)
5. When you break up the inevitable discussion between a  dirty-pickup-truck guy and your male riding buddy about exactly who got  cut off by whom, you do it by implying that it just wouldn't be  gentlemanly to have a fistfight in front of a lady (namely, you)....  and that tactic works. 
4. Five words: Vicious Farm Dog Sprint Prime. (Farm dogs run loose, and  they can be alarmingly fast.) 
3. When a farm dog sprint prime is coming up, the guys consider it  gentlemanly to ride on the outside, between you and the pursuing farm  dogs. 
2. When you bonk, someone offers you a "pa'ar bar". 
1. Your buddy behind you on a steep descent yells "Yeeehaw!" when he  cleans it.