Brad Moulard (OTR Cycling) smiles before his first Cat. 5 race.

A Nalley Rider showing how he trains for racing. Photo by Doug Gravino.


The Cat. 3 field going into the third lap. Photo by Doug Gravino.

Oscar "Hair" smiles before the Junior race.

Doug Gravino (OTR Cycling) gets ready for the Cat. 4/5 race.

Donna Kerby (L5Flyers) strikes a pose.

Kei gets ready for his first race.

An unnamed rider shows what kind of beverage he prefers for recovery.

The Forum team is on the front of the Women's 1/2/3 race.

A Cycleworks rider crosses the finish line in the Cat. 4 women's race.

"Big Jon" Atkins isn't quite certain why I'm taking his photo in the Master's race.

The Masters race wizzes by.

I call it Half Tree It's half of a tree. I don't understand it either.