A CSC Rider finishes his TT.

Scott Moniger (Healthnet) rounds the final corner.

An Under 23 National Team rider.

John Lieswyn (Healthnet p/b Maxxis) in full flight after the final corner.

Sprint Leader Greg Henderson (Healthnet p/b Maxxis) rounds the corner.

Jason McCarty (Discovery) in fine TT form.

A Jittery Joes Rider

What is this? Street Sprints?

Australian TT Champion Nathan O'Neill (Navigators) crosses the finish line in the rain.

A CSC rider finishes

Saul Raisin (Credit Agricole) finishes his TT. Saul is from Dalton, GA.

Chris Baldwin (Navigators) won 3rd place on the stage.

Floyd Landis (Phonak) won the TT.

Levi Leiphemier (Gerolsteiner) shows the effort of the day.

A Kodak Easy Share Gallery/Sierra Nevada Rider finishes.

The finishing banner.

Lance Armstrong (Discovery Channel) only finished in the Top 5.

Peter Wrolich (Gerolsteiner), Stage 2 winner, lost the yellow jersey today.

The Youngest Discovery Channel fan in the crowd.

Now this is what Chris Baldwin really likes!

David Zabriskie agrees with Chris Baldwin. The Tour Hostess seem to like the stage, too.

Andrea Tafi (Prodir), KOM jersey holder, salutes the crowd before an interview.

Trent Lowe (Jittery Joes-Kalahari) won the Best Young Rider's Jersey. Easy ladies! He's only 20!

Floyd Landis (Phonak) signs autographs after the awards ceremony.