Winner Brian Vandborg (CSC) looks tired crossing the finish line.

Jason McCartney (Discovery Channel) shows the effort of being in the day's break.

rent Lowe (Best Young Rider Jersey-Jittery Joes-Kalahari) finishes with the front group.

Nathan O'Neill (Navigators) finishes a tough stage.

A wet and tired CSC rider.

Stage 4 winner Brian Vandborg (CSC) heads to the awards podium.

Michael Rich (Gerolsteiner) rides through the finish.

An official tells race leader Floyd Landis, "Now Floyd, we need to promote cycling in the Southern US like NASCAR..."

Floyd Landis (Phonak), the leader's jersey holder, makes his way to the awards podium.

Marco Pinoti (Prodir) exclaims how hard a day in the saddle can be.

More riders finish.

Tony Cruz (Discovery) looks glad to be done.

Even more riders finish.

A Gerolsteiner rider finishes.

Chechu Rubiera (Discovery Channel) accepts the KOM jersey.

Marco Pinoto (Prodir) placed third in today's stage.

Eki (Discovery) and his mullet take center stage for winning second place.

Brian Vanborg (CSC) was happy to have won the stage.

Trent Lowe (Jittery Joes-Kalahari) is clearly happy to retain the Best Young Riders Jersey.

Greg Henderson (Healthnet p/b Maxxis) retained the Sprint Leader's Jersey.

Greg Henderson aka Hendee is one happy man.

Chechu Rubiera (Discovery) gets his victory kisses.

Race leader Floyd Landis (Phonak) waves from the podium.

Floyd Landis gives an interview.

Stage Winner Brian Vanborg (CSC) at the press conference with Eki Ekimov looking on.

Chechu Ruberia at the press conference after the stage.

Where the fan's hearts lie.

Street art. In 2004 at the Tour De France, a picture like this was painted on Alpe D'Huez.

Barb and Alan Grove enjoy the top of Woody's Gap before the thunderstorm and hail.

The King of the Mountains sprint line.

The KOM sign.

Mike Creed (Discovery) isn't at the Tour De Georgia this year, but his fan club was.

The Gwinnett Touring Club riders smile at the top of Woody's.

The OTR Cycling team was popular during the hail storms because of their EZ Up tent.

Retired and 7 months pregnant T-Mobile Women's Pro Katrina Grove shows the beverage which she wishes she was drinking instead of water.

The freak hail storm that pounded riders and spectators at the top of Woody's Gap.

More hail.

Several members of the Forum cycling team ducked in their cars during the thunderstorm.

Chechu Rubiera (Discovery) takes the first Woody's KOM Sprint.