Air Rescue 1 aka Lifeflight lands on top of Brasstown Bald in howling winds.

The Atlanta Cycling riding crew hiked to the top to watch the riders.

The Tifosi waited in 0 degree C temperatures for the race to pass on Brasstown Bald. These fans showed they are indeed from the Southern US.

Looking down inside the final kilometer.

Terry Mathison relaxes before the riders come through.

The road art is baaack.

Looking down from the observation tower to the parking lot.

Jittery Joes-Kalahari DS Michah Rice and friend decide to take advantage of the convertible team BMW car and ride down Brasstown in the 0 degree tempe

Tom Danielson (Discovery Channel) wins the stage atop Brasstown Bald. His face shows the pain.

Levi Leipheimer (Gerolsteiner) was second.

Lance Armstrong (Discovery Channel) is happy with his third place on the stage.

Trent Lowe (Jittery Joes) and Saul Raisin (Credit Agricole) congratulate each other on a well fought battle for the Best Young Rider Jersey.

Saul Raisin (Credit Agricole) is happy to be done.

A Healthnet rider finishes.

Nathan O'Neill (Navigators) looks tired.

Georgia resident Nathan O'Neill (Navigators) shows the agony of the TDG's toughest stage.

Nathan looks tired.

A TIAA-CREF rider finishes.

Caring for a tired Prodir rider after crossing the finish line.

A LPR Rider is not sure what he is eating, but it was so cold and snowy at the top of Brasstown Bald, that he did not care.

Tim Johnson (Jittery Joes) was in the day's first break.

The finishing banner.

Another tired TIAA-CREF rider. diarist John Lieswyn (Healthnet p/b Maxxis) is glad to be done.

Gord Frasier (Healthnet) finishes.

Sprinter Greg Henderson (Healthnet) is glad to be done climbing.

This Cola Vita Sutter Home rider wishes he was drinking wine instead of racing.

Lance Armstrong (Discovery) accept the flowers for placing third on the stage.

Greg Henderson (Healthnet) shivers as he accepts his prize.

Tom Danielson (Discovery) won the overall GC.