Mullets and rattails are back in style with pro cyclists. I want to know WHY!?! They were bad enough the first time around.

A team Phonak bike.

Tour De Georgia Lantern Rouge and Cyclocross National Champion Jonathan Page (Cola Vita) smiles after the sign in.

Bobby Julich (CSC) rolls up to the sign in.

Retiring Andrea Tafi (Prodir) finishes at sign in.

Georgia native Saul Raisin (Credit Agricole) was second place in the Best Young Rider's Jersey.

The Mavic Moto Mechanics (Scott Hodge-Right) are ready to provide support to whoever needs it.

Ekimov (Discovery Channel) rolls up to the sign in.

Nathan O'Neill (Navigators) was bundled up before the start.

The Mavic 2 car is ready to go.

Mavic cars 2 and 3 are ready to go.

The Mavic drivers are ready, too.

Waiting for the start; view from Mavic 3.

Let's roll! The neutral start begins.

Jesus Loves Lance.

On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again.

Checking in with Mavic 2.

The crowds were everywhere in Blairsville.

The security marshalls provided services such as making sure dogs did not run into the peloton.

Rolling along at about 20 mph through the Georgia countryside. The pack was not racing at this point. Piano, Piano!

Mavic 2 is following. Both cars were in front of the peloton.

What bored Mavic Mechanics do in service cars. Beer me!

In the feedzone, songeiurs waited to feed the riders.

Riders crossed through some hilly country.

The break of Danny Pate (Jelly Belly), Andrea Tafi (Prodir), Dom Perras (Kodak), and Sven Krauss (Gerolsteiner) go off the front.

The break continues around a curve.

The break's gap widens.

The day's break.

Danny Pate (Jelly Belly) signals for Mavic support.

Jelly Belly's Danny Pate rides near the Mavic car to hand off clothes.

Andrea Tafi's rear view.

Mavic hands the clothes back to the Jelly Belly car.

The break rolls along.

The break gets closer to Alpharetta.

The Maxxis banner on the closing circuits.

The crowds were huge at the finale in Alpharetta.

Welcome to Alpharetta!

The break had less than 90 seconds on the peloton on the first finishing circuits.

Race Leader Tom Danielson (Discovery) sits in the peloton surrounded by his teammates.

Lance Armstrong (Discovery) sits in the peloton on the closing circuits.

Team LPR was at the front of the pack driving the pace the last few laps.

Floyd Landis (Phonak) sits comfortably in the peloton.

The caravan is taken out of the finishing circuits for traffic control.

uelien Clerc (Phonak) won third place on the stage

Canadian National Champion Gord Fraser (Healthnet) won the final stage in Alpharetta.

Andrea Tafi's last race was the final stage of the Tour De Georgia before retirement. He salutes the crowd from the podium as he accepts the Most Agre

Andrea Tafi waves one last time from the podium.

Best Young Rider jersey winner Trent Lowe (Jittery Joes) is all smiles.

Floyd Landis (Phonak) was stylin in Elvis inspired eyewear as he accepted the award for third on the GC.

Levi Leipheimer (Gerolsteiner) was happy with his second place on the GC.

Levi Leipheimer (Gerolsteiner) was happy with his second place on the GC.