Albany Race Report
by Jon Atkins, Myogenesis p/b Landmark Dodge Cycling Team
Date: Feb. 25-26, 2006B
Place: Albany, GA

With the opening round of the Georgia Cup taking place in Albany, Georgia this weekend, the Myogenesis Nutrition p/b Landmark Dodge cycling team rolled into to town with the intentions of making a strong statement, and that they did.

The first round was a three race omnium. The first race on tap was an ITT (individual time trial) of 3.5K in downtown Albany. The Myogenesis boys put 3 racers in the top 5. Not a bad showing. The second race was rain soaked criterium around downtown, for 1 hour plus 5 laps, in which we placed 2 racers in the top 10. The Third was the road race, 148K or 91 miles, in which we had 2 racers in the top 15.

By placing 3 racers in the top 5 after the ITT, we opened three different possibilities to grab the race lead. The criterium was held in the hardest downpour I have ever raced in; not to mention that the temperature was on a steady decline, ending in the high 40’s by the end of the race. This was exactly what we DIDN’T need, due to the fact that not only I, but Brady as well, had been sick for the entire week and logged ZERO miles. The fitness was a little suspect. On the starting line taking a look around, several Continental Pro teams were represented. AEG-Toshiba and VMG were heavily represented. There was also a large assortment of other Elite powerhouses represented. Pacesetter Steel Services, JC Investors (Miami), as well as Subaru-Duetsche Bank (formerly AG Edwards), and Aarons Corporate Furnishings, to name a few. The gun went off, the race was on. Our team rode really strong at the front, with Cleve and Chad throwing punches from the start. I rested with Casey staying close by for support. Brady deteriorated quickly and decided to call it a short day. The rain continued to come down so hard that I could only keep one eye open at a time. The wind was whipping and cutting straight through to the core. By the end of the race, I had just one bullet left in reserve. With four laps to go, a VMG rider laid down a vicious attack. This looked like it could be the winning move. Immediately, Casey moved to the front, and with what remained of the field in tow, pressed on his pedals and kept it close. Cleve jumped to bridge the gap solo. With Cleve going, the other teams had to mount the chase. That move allowed Chad and I to rest up for the upcoming sprint. At the 800 meter mark, Chad moved to the front to lead me out. Over the wet cobblestones and up the hill, Chad put it down and held until the 300 meter mark. We blew by the lead attacker and Cleve on his solo bridge effort like they were both tied to a tree. I pulled the trigger, and went with everything that I had left. My effort was a bit too hard at first, as my back wheel broke traction on several pedal strokes. I held until the last possible moment, getting nipped at the line and into second place. That’s ok though. The second put us in the yellow jersey for the next day, as the current race leader on the road.

The next day, after showing up to the race venue, the local news crew was tracking us down for the story. First race, first TV interview of the year. I was a bit nervous. I popped off some stuff about the sponsors, but boy do I need some practice!

Time to roll to the line for the road race. Mother Nature was being a bit more gentle with us today. The temperature was in the 60’s, bright blue sky, but she played the wind card. During the first 40 minutes or so of the race, I felt weak and unrecovered, tired, and a bit of a stomach ache. That’s not good for the race leader. It only seemed to get harder from there. Cleve and former teammate and long time friend Ryan Barnett (CAICO Professional Cycling), started attacking with in the first kilo. Our plan was to get Cleve to the first of three KOM sprint lines just 18 miles into the 91. Chad, Casey and Brady were able to stay back and help me. Ryan was able to finally get a gap solo, and with the first part of the plan in place, Cleve was able to make the bridge with a racer from Aarons. That group turned into the break of 13 for 80 of the 91 miles, with Cleve collecting enough KOM points to be solidly back in the jersey. With the KOM jersey safe on his back, our attention turned to the yellow jersey efforts. The team moved to the front and began to pull back time from the break, but too little, too late. Coming to the finish, the team provided a lead-out and I was able to take second in the field sprint for 15th and a couple of extra GC points. It was enough to get me into the second place podium spot.

Our goals of securing the KOM jersey and staying close in the overall had been achieved. Overall, the weekend showed our rivals that we are strong and ride well as a team.

Jon Atkins (left) won 2nd in the Pro/1/2 Omnium.

Cleve Blackwell (left) in the KOM jersey.