Myogenesis Year End Report
by Brady Rogers, Ocotober 1, 2006


This past weekend’s race, the final installment of the ever growing in popularity, Georgia Cup race in the Buckhead community of Atlanta, Georgia, capped a very successful season of the first year Pro 1/2 powerhouse, Myogenesis Nutrition pb Landmark Dodge cycling team. The guys came into the race in possession of 2 of the 3 leader’s jerseys, and the overall team points competition. The order for the weekend was just that, to maintain order in the peloton. With Jon’s MOST AGGRESSIVE RIDER jersey safe in the bank, the focus would be on protecting Cleve’s scant lead in the KING OF THE MOUNTAINS jersey. Saturday would prove to be the pivotal race in this competition, with it being the last available chance to take any points towards the jersey. The course this year was the same as the one last year, in which Cleve Blackwell managed to get his hands on the KOM jersey for the first time. He has yet to relinquish it. I think he kinda likes all the polka-dot-esque stars. The guys rode a very smart race and we’re able to accomplish the weekend’s goal, ending the season with 3 of the 4 categories wrapped up on top. Not only did Cleve, Jon and the rest of the Elite team have a very successful season, but our 3’s developmental team did as well. Taking several victories and podiums along the way, courtesy of our up and coming star Christian Parrett, Jon Matey placing on the podium several times. Andy Scarano stepping up in a big way by securing the overall in the KOM as well. GREAT JOB GUYS! Looks like the future for the program looks bright.

This year saw very many successes for Myogenesis, placing on the podium more times than I can remember, and in the end it was Myogenesis winning the KOM and MAR jerseys as well as holding on to the leaders jersey for the majority of the season, only to lose it in the last couple of races. Hey, it’s not easy defending EVERY jersey in the competition, and Mauricio Heneo, who ended up with the jersey, had a heck of a season and is a super strong rider.. We had to let someone else in on the party; otherwise they might not come back and play.

Now that the road season is over, for all intensive purposes, it’s time for some of the guys to venture into the cyclo-cross arena. The boys in blue will be showing up in full force looking to continue their winning ways. Brady Rogers, Cleve Blackwell, Tim Barrett, as well as new additions to Myogenesis, Ryan Barnett and yet to be named secret weapon, will be lighting up the pro 1/2 class. Also attending will be Christian Parrett, who is quickly becoming a force to reckoned with in cross. Look for many, many, many more podiums out of this crew.

I want to give a very special thanks to all of our sponsors for the 2006 season, because without their beyond generous support, none of this success would have been possible. MYOGENESIS NUTRITION ( has been way beyond big! No other nutritional products like ‘em, go to the site a check the stuff out, (it’s our secret rocket fuel). LANDMARK DODGE (, selling absolutely the finest rides in town….go there and get yourself a Magnum SRT8, these cars are wicked! ( or a JEEP if you like to run over things) C.H. MARTIN COMPANY ( You need some good comfy foot orthotics? Forget those store bought, mold to your foot pre-fab things; Sean Harper with C.H. Martin is hands down the best in the custom biz. A.I.M. MARKETING ( Need a new marketing strategy or some new fresh ideas? Here’s your place. CANE CREEK ( for the best hoops and hubs in the business….let’s talk about strong…Jon Atkins only tore up ONE wheel this year..and it was because of a me, he can tear an anvil up! Not only are they that strong, but light and agile and stiff, stiff, stiff! MAXXIS ( Finest rubber around. And the bike that brought not only those fine components together, but also slid across the line in front more than its fair share, BLUE COMPETITION CYCLES ( Don’t believe me? See referenced crash above with Jon, and besides how can you argue with 7 national championships and 2 world championships in one year? SMITH OPTICS ( For keeping us real hip this year with the stylish shades…undoubtedly good stuff! UVEX ( For the helmets to protect our noggins, not that there is that much there, but it definitely a good idea to ALWAYS wear your helmet. Epic Bikes ( The southsides’ finest shop. Stop by and give Tim and Mike a shout. Last but not least, CAMP SUNSHINE ( Do yourself a favor, go to this site and check out what these guys are all about. Camps and programs for kids with cancer and there families. Support is vital to these kids that are in the fight of their lives! Go to the site, and make a donation, it’s tax deductible and it’ll make YOU feel like a true champion for your part in the battle and recovery.

I’ll be checking in with cyclo-cross reports, but as far as the road racing, this is the finish line. Ciao, and have a good winter. See you all in the spring, when we continue our quest for dominance in the peloton.

Most Aggressive Rider Jon Atkins.

KOM Cleve Blackwell..