Event: Saul Raisin's Birthday Ride
Date: January 8, 2006
Place: Dalton, GA

By Judy Galvin (NARC)

NARC was very well represented at Saul Raisin’s Birthday ride today.

There were about 40 people who showed up to ride with Saul Raisin today. If you don’t know Saul, he’s a local boy from Dalton, Georgia who signed with the Pro French Cycling Team, Credit Agricole. Tour de France groupies are very familiar with Credit Agricole.

I was incredulous about doing this ride because there was no way a young, pro racer would maintain an “easy”, social pace for 40 miles. All too familiar with the wannabes who won’t give riders like me the time of day, I was more than impressed by Saul’s personable and supportive nature.

The first 14 miles was an easy pace with a comfortable terrain which allowed riders to converse freely. So we had an opportunity to meet other “groupies” from the Southeast. There was a couple that came from Knoxville (Teresa & Buttons) who left home at 5:30 am to meet Saul. We continued at the same pace considering some hills were thrown in so some of us fell behind the main pack. Those familiar with my riding style, I like to lead from the back so this was a great opportunity to meet Saul’s dad, Jim, who was riding sweep right in front of our personal sag wagon driven by Saul’s mom. As the temperature rose and riders stripped some layers, they could toss them in the sag wagon to retrieve at the end of the ride.

We had a rest stop around mile 18 at and average speed of 16.1. The return route had a few more hills with a head wind which spread out the pack. While the front group was fighting to be King of the Mountain, Saul was easing up to join the back group so he could offer support and encouragement. He generously offered to pull me and the others asking us to let him know if it was too fast. Within 500 yards, I told him to go on. But he didn’t! Instead, Saul thanked me for telling him. He slowed up and said his dad would start drafting then when he turned around – his dad was no where in sight. While the front group was racing to the finish, Saul was hanging with us in the back. At one point, his heart rate monitor picked up my heart rate which was 183 bpm. Saul said he was beginning to worry because his heart rate should be around 70 bpm. When we returned, there was cake with complements of Saul’s parents.

There are no words to describe what a wonderful experience it was to meet and ride with Saul. Yes – he is an incredible cyclist but he is a very special individual. We are looking forward to seeing Saul in the Giro 2006 and will enjoy watching his rise in cycling closely. It was truly a privilege to meet and ride with Saul, as well as, his parents.

I wish y’all had the opportunity to met Saul because his humility is why we are so enamored by Lance.

Saul – we’ll be waiting at the finish line when you win the Tour de France!!

Judy – a huge Saul Groupie!