Tour De Georgia Stage 4 Gallery

Dalton to Dahlonega

by Trish Albert
April 21, 2006

The Bobke girls want Bob Roll to "Show Us Your Bobke!"

Special guest Phil Liggit joins David Towle and Richard Frese on the annoucing stage.

Floyd Landis's parents and other relatives were in Georgia cheering him on.

Freddie Rodriguez--almost there!

Fast Freddie Rodriguez (Davitamon-Lotto) wins the Dalton to Dahlonega Stage!

Floyd Landis (Phonak) retained the leader's jersey.

Michael Lange (TIAA-CREF) finished with the first group.

Floyd Landis on his way to the "Green Room."

Chad Strickland (Aarons) and Ryan Pumpian (OTR Cycling) think they are cool hanging out with the other VIPs.

Yaroslav Popovych likes the podium hostesses, too.

Freddie's baby is popular with the podium hostess.

Today's top 3: Yaroslav Popovych (Disco), Freddie Rodriguez (Davitamon-Lotto), and Matteo Tassato (Quick Step).

Most Aggressive rider Jason McCartney tries to teach the podium girl a new dance.

King of the Mountains, young Lucas Euser (TIAA-CREF) enjoys his moment in the spotlight.

Floyd Landis (Phonak) retained the yellow leader's jersey.

Floyd Landis's mom watches proudly.

Yaroslav Popovych (Discovery) relaxes before the press conference.