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Subject: 3 Gap on a Unicycle 

by Jeff Bauer
Nashville, TN

Ride: 3 Gap 50 Miler (part of the Six Gap Century)
Date: 9-28-2003

Each year in late September the Dahlonega Chamber of Commerce hosts the Six Gap Century Ride.  It's a challenging
100 mile bicycle ride over the North Georgia mountains with 10,700 feet of climbing.


I've rode it twice officially on a bike. In addition I once rode a 9-Gap version (6 Gap plus 3 in reverse) with Tom Cross.  It's a great, well-supported ride with fantastic descents.  Each year the number of riders increases.  I saw bike numbers as high as 1998 this year (mine was 52), though the web site states a 1500 rider limit.

For riders would don't want to spend all day climbing the mountains, a shorter "Three Gap" 50 mile option is offered. I thought this might be interesting to attempt on my unicycle -- a 36" Coker -- partially as a challenge, but also because I needed the training miles in for next week's MS 150 "Jack & Back" ride and didn't want to totally miss out on the Six Gap fun.

A few days before the ride, I installed 170 mm crank arms to give the Coker more climbing leverage.  Normally I ride with 150mm cranks and lately I've been trying arms as low as 140mm.  The longer crank arms meant that I had to cut off an extra centimeter from my seatpost so I could reach the pedals.  In the process of experimenting, I applied too much torque and snapped off my seatpost collar bolt, requiring a replacement collar (kindly provided by the friendly folks at Bike Pedlar).

One day prior to the Six Gap ride, I rode the 170 mm crank/seatpost configuration on a 31 mile "Habitat for Humanity" charity ride in Springfield, Tennessee. Everything checked out okay, though the new cranks felt different and made me spin like crazy on the flat sections.  The longer crank arms definitely made freemounting easier, however.

On 1:30 am Sunday morning Tom Cayton, Alan Gosart and I rode down to Dahlonega, Georgia.  It's about a 5 hour trip, though we lose an hour because of the time zone difference (central vs. eastern standard). We arrived in Dahlonega to a cool, misty morning sunrise. Most riders had on jackets or vests and arm warmers.  I didn't bother because at the speeds I'd be riding (8 mph), the wind chill wouldn't be much of a factor.

I waited about 5 minutes after the official start for the large packs of cyclists to clear out, then managed to roll out of the parking lot on the Coker.  The big wheeled unicycle attracts a lot of attention at organized rides. It's a conversation starter and a camera magnet.

On the ride out to Neals Gap, I was passed by 100 or more late starters.  The inevitable questions asked in order of frequency:

  "How far are you riding?"
  (Six Gap would take me 16-18 hours!)

  "Can you freewheel?"
  (Freewheel?  We don' need no stinkin' freewheels.)

  "How do you handle the descents?"

  "When did you start learning to ride?"
  (Last March)

After a while the riders thinned out.  There were a few short climbs on the way to Neels Gap. The early morning traffic was fairly light.   Around mile 20,  I dismounted and took a brief nature break at the base of Neels Gap. I think 20 miles is the longest non-stop distance I've ridden on the Coker, though I wasn't trying to set any non-stop distance records.  Usually I figure that I'll be forced to dismount either at a traffic light or for mundane klutziness -- which is a convenient time to take a brief saddle break. 

One reason I was interested in riding Three Gap on the unicycle was to see how the Coker and its rider would handle multi-mile climbs -- terrain that is sorely lacking in middle Tennessee.  My main concern was how I would get started again if I was forced to dismount in the middle of a long climb.  Would I be able to remount and keep riding uphill?  It's difficult even
on a bicycle to start up on a steep hill.  Since I have pretty poor freemounting skills even in the best of conditions, starting uphill is nearly impossible. On shorter distance climbs this is less of a problem, since I can simply walk up to the top and remount.

Neels Gap has a decent road shoulder and a consistent grade throughout the climb.  I passed four slow climbers on the way up.  Since I didn't have to dismount on the climb, I wasn't forced to test my (lack of) ability to freemount uphill.  There weren't many attractive places along Neals Gap to remount if necessary, and it would have been a long walk to the top.  The wind along this section was pretty brisk, I'd guess the gusts were in excess of 20 mph.  When a crosswind would hit me, it
would throw off my balance slightly.

At the top of Neels Gap, the rest stop crew volunteers were patiently waiting for us slowpokes.  The food was so-so (store cookies, dry peanut butter sandwiches) and Gatorade.  I refueled and headed slowly downhill. With one climb down and two to go, I was feeling more confident that I could complete all three gaps.  The slower Three Gap riders passed me on the way down.

My Coker unicycle frame was build by Rick Hunter and it has bosses for V-brakes.  David Stockton built the wheel ("Strongest Coker Wheel in the world."). David also made an effort to ensure that the wheel and brake functioned together properly.

Operating a unicycle brake is different than a bicycle brake.  If you squeeze hard on a unicycle brake, you'll go flying off.  It is therefore necessary to apply just enough force to create some light pressure between rim and the brake pads.

The question may occur: Why even bother with brakes? On a unicycle, the rider usually slows down by applying backpedal pressure.  This is normally sufficient for shorter rides and for descents that aren't too steep. For longer rides, the brake offers additional assistance in keeping the pedal motion smooth and requiring less effort from the legs.  Ideally, I can find a sweet spot where I'm applying just enough pressure that I'm leaning back slightly and applying just the minimal pedal force to keep the ride smooth.

At the bottom of Neals Gap, the Three Gap riders were routed directly toward Wolfpen Gap.  For the Six Gap riders, Wolfen is climb #5, immediately following the notorious Hogpen Gap.  As I started up Wolfpen, I was suddenly reminded of its feature characteristics. The turns are sharper with high, steep banks.  Normally these are barely noticeable to a bike rider because they're short and can be easily powered through. However early into the Wolfpen climb I felt like I would
lose control.  Eventually I did.  I was worried that I might be forced into lots of UPDs (unplanned dismounts) and might spend a lot of time trying to remount and/or walk up.

Fortunately, I was able to remount from the high side of a banked turn and point the Coker perpendicular to the road.  The traffic was fairly light, so after the second attempt I got it back up climbing the hill. Surprisingly, I suffered not a single further UPD, though there were several close calls. At the top off Wolfpen Alan passed by as I stopped to refuel at the rest area.  He was probably in the top 10% of the finishers for Six Gap, so I could count on a lot of company through the remainder of
the ride.

Coming down Wolfpen was a lot of fun.  I had gotten the hang of using the brake, and the twisting banked curves made the descent more interesting.  The final hurdle was Woody Gap, a climb I've ridden many times in both directions on my bike.  The road is smooth and the grade is relatively easy.  On the way to Woody Gap, I passed by a place where some kind of Indian reenactment was going on, with guys dressed up in full native regalia.  I slowed down to snap a couple of quick pictures.

As I was climbing Woody Gap, the slower bike riders were noticing that it was harder to pass me, since the unicycle was at less of a disadvantage uphill.  Finally at the 1 kilometer KOM (King of Mountain) marker, I poured on the steam and started passing riders uphill.  At the top of Woody Gap I took my last rest stop and refueled with a sandwich and Gatorade.
One of the volunteers said she had a message for me, but forgot the message or whom it was from (she was a bit
ditzy).  I figured it must have been from Alan since he was the only rider to pass me that I recognized all day.

The ride down Woody Gap was uneventful.  My butt was sore, but I knew the ride would soon be finished.  As much
as I enjoy descending on a bike, on a unicycle it's not as fast nor as much fun.  The descent from the top of Woody Gap is over 10 miles long.  I was actually looking forward to some minor climbs afterwards (the last few miles) just to get into a different riding position.

As I got closer to the finish, friends from the Harpeth Bike Club started passing me.  A couple miles before the finish line I recognized Mark Wolff (whom I rode with on part of Paris-Brest-Paris) in his Audax Atlanta jersey and his brother Lou.  Mark stopped to take a picture of me.  I passed my camera back to Mark, asking him to take my picture at the finish.

I arrived at the gymnasium not long afterwards.  Mark and Lou were waiting there, along with Kevin Kaiser (another
PBP ancien).  From the there I rode to the parking lot and stopped by the dining hall to regroup for a meal with the HBC riders.  

My primary goal was to complete the ride.  A secondary goal was to finish it in under 8 hours.  Total elapsed time was 6 hours, 38 minutes.  Average speed was 7.4 mph, with a max speed of 14 mph.  I stopped four times for quick breaks and had one UPD, so I was fortunate in that I spent very minimal time "off wheel".

Finally, I should mention that bringing a unicycle to an event of this kind attracts a lot of attention. Not only the riders -- who'd whip out their cameras scaring me as they'd turn back and shoot a pic on a fast descent -- but the hundreds of motorcyclists would smile and give me thumbs up and yell encouragement, or the other motorists who would sometimes slow down to gawk a this big wheeled roadside distraction.  The Coker is fun, but it's not the transportation of choice for introverts.

Jeff on the Coker Unicycle riding 3 Gap. Photo by Mark Wolf

Jeff nears the finish of the first (??) 3 Gap ever done on a Unicycle. Photo courtesy of Jeff Bauer