My Blue Riding Shoe

by Rocket Boy

January 2003

"My blue riding shoe.... by RB" 
oh blue riding shoe 
how deeply I do love you 
you’re old and so smelly 
But I’ll wear you to the deli 
on my big feet so lumpy 
you’re soft warm and comfy 
you make me look silly when I walk 
‘specially on hard floors and frozen rock 
you keep me clipped in 
you help me to spin 
you’re old faded leather 
from all sorts of weather 
you’re crusty and molded 
and your tongue is all folded 
But you’re my cross country buddy 
who likes to get muddy 
You know you’ve got real soul 
and always ready to roll 
so please shoe, don’t die 
stick with me and fly 
don’t rip or get torn 
just be loved when you’re worn 
and keep my feet happy 
even when my ride is crappy 
cause I’m slow, yes you know 
but I still have to go 
cause I love when I ride 
and I love when we stride 
I have been mean to you I think... 
kicked you off, scuffed you, made you stink 
but you know I love you, ya’ smelly ol’ shoe 
wish we could hang out more; share a brew 
remember the time I stepped in dog doo? 
I knew that it had to suck for you. 
So I dug it out with a stick 
remember how quick? 
Did you notice my shiver 
while I swished you in that river? 
Had to get you clean bud 
‘cause we both knew it wasn’t mud 
Enough about me though 
this poem is your show 
You always make me happy, and never sad 
You’re the best shoe that I’ve ever had. 
Have you hugged your shoes today? 

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