Camp Creek Cyclocross Practice

Camp Creek Cyclocross practice brought out new and old faces on October 19, 2003. Jed Schneider from Athens came out to play with the little folks. Lamar Mauney and crew set up a great practice course complete with tape, barriers, and course markings. The gorgeous and hot weather was more appropriate to summer than cross season, but suffering was still had by all. 

Jed Schneider (Alan Factory Team) warms up. Jed spent much of this year racing in Belgium at the Belgium House with the US National Under 23 team. He plans to spend some of the 2004 CX season in the Northeast going after UCI Points.

I'm too sexy for this bike. Too sexy for this bike.

Trish Albert (Team Peggy) hops over a barrier during practice.

Brian Sullivan (Nalley) is back after a two year absence.

Jed's rear view. Coutesy of his friend that was taking the photos.

Lisa Safstrom (Velo Bella) and Trish discuss how much CX hurts.

Lamar Mauney, director of Camp Creek, looks glad to be done the workout.

Tony Scott (Genesis) follows Jed.

Thank goodness the pain is done!

All photos courtesy of Jed Schneider and his friends.