Dallas Cyclocross #2

by Trish Albert

Race: Dallas CX #2 
Place: Paulding Meadows Park, Dallas, GA 
Speed: 13.0 mph 
Time: 45 minutes 
Distance: 9.75 miles 

The Dallas Cyclocross Omnium is unique in the Georgia Series in that it comprises of 2 days of cyclocross racing and a time trial on Saturday. Prizes are awarded for each race as well as the overall. The Sunday race was a reverse of the Saturday course with a few changes. It started out along a crushed stone path for several hundred yards before changing to a gravel and grass combination on terrain that went slightly uphill. The course then climbed a short asphalt section. The first challenge was a double hill that was sandy and loose; in between the first short section was a little road and then the second part of the hill. Most riders could make it over, but if one slipped, they were forced to run up it. The course turned left and went back down the road before a sharp right to a chicane in the grass and then back onto the asphalt. It then made a right into a sand pit. The only barriers on the course were 
through an off camber section. The course made two final left turns down the grass and crushed gravel path to the finish line. Lap times all day were fast. 

Six women lined up on Sunday, which was down from Saturday's nine. Looking around at the tough competition, I knew I was racing for 5th or 6th place. Never had I beaten several of the women in a race-road, mountain, or cyclocross. With the start, we were off. Sunday's start was not as fast as Saturday's, which was one of the fastest I had ever done. Kerry and I went to the front and maintained a slower pace until after the gravel path. Kim and Lisa took off and were not to be seen by the rest of us until the finish line. I rode the hill (thank you 34!) and was in third coming around for the first lap. I was still in third during the second lap. The open sections of the course were conducive to a cyclocross bike. I was in my 48x19 quite a bit of time, especially after the sandy hill on the downhill section of road. I put a little distance between myself and Kerry and Kathleen on this lap. I rode up 
the sandy hill and hammered down the road. I tried not to overshoot the right hand turn into the chicane. The barrier set's height grew a little each lap, and my lower back took a beating from my cra7nkset hitting it every time I shouldered the bike. Later, I discovered a large bruise. I went into the fourth lap still in third place, but Kerry was gaining. For the next two laps, we battled out for third place. About 30 minutes into the race, we were with each other at the sandy hill. On a mountain bike, she had the advantage of smaller gears and a wider tire with better traction. My rear wheel spun out on the first part of the hill, and I bobbled. I got off and ran. By the time I remounted, Kerry was about 8-10 seconds ahead of me. I looked back and saw no other women behind me. I put my head down to chase. Everything was fine until I came off the road after the chicane. I overshot the turn and nearly crashed into the haybales. I recovered quickly, went through the sand, and ran over the barriers. I spent the two laps chasing, not wanting to give up. Coming through at about 39 minutes, I got the 2 laps to go signal. I gave it everything I had for one last push to try to catch Kerry. Someone said she was only a few seconds ahead of me. I ran the sandy hill again and pushed my way down the road and through the chicane. I rode hard until the barriers. As soon as I hit the last one, Blane (Genesis) passed me, and I knew the race was over. I rolled across the finish; there would not be another lap to try to make up ground. 

Wow! I was completely in the zone racing today. Not one negative thought crossed my mind. Surprisingly, I felt good throughout the race and was very consistent both days. I came in 6th on Saturday, 6th in the time trial, and 4th on Sunday. I was very happy with my races this weekend. I pushed myself hard and did the best that I could.

Leon Frana tries to make it over the barrier. (photo by Adam Jones)








Peter, owner of Outback Bicycles, in the Masters race.

Tony Scott (Genesis) in the Masters 30+ leader's jersey.

Brad Harper (Cycleworks) on his way to winning the Masters 40+ on Saturday .

I am King of Cross! Lamar Mauney stretches before the Masters race.

Shey Linder (@ the Hub) manages a smile for the camera during the Masters race.

Ralph McKenzie (Cycleworks) hops over a barrier.

Tony Scott again on Sunday.

Kim Sawyer (Nalley) powers up a short climb during the Women's Race. Photo by Chris Randall.