Georgia State Cyclocross Championships

by Trish Albert

Race: State Cyclocross Championships
Date: 11-23-2003
Place: Dauset Trails, Jackson, GA
Speed: 11.0 mph
Time: 45 minutes
Distance: 8.25 miles

The Georgia State Cyclocross Championships took place at the Dauset Trails Nature Center in Jackson, GA. Known as a mountain biking destination, Dauset boasts one of the best private mountain bike trail systems in Georgia. Riders in many divisions were racing for the glory of being named State Champion. 

The course took riders around the main field at the Nature Center. The course started out on a small grassy section followed by a left hand turn onto gravel and a single barrier at the end of the gravel. A long straight and a left hand turn took riders over very bumpy grass before going into a chicane and uphill to a triple barrier. The climb continued with hardpack and gravel to another closely spaced triple barrier. A small climb was followed by a long downhill that had some patches of mud. The final barriers were at the bottom of the hill. The course then slightly climbed back to the start/finish line. 

Thirteen women lined up including a few newcomers: Dani Dembrak (Sunshine)-an Expert mountain biker, Bromley Metz (Cycleworks)-a Cat. 4 roadie, and Debbie Borden (Nalley)-a Cat. 3 roadie. Off the line, Lisa Randall (Sobe-Cannondale) made a bee-line for the front and never looked back. She would successfully defend her two time title. Kim Sawyer and Debbie Borden took to the front as well before the first barrier. I passed them on the barrier, but they soon passed me back. Around the first turn, the field began to get strung out. The first six were together with the rest a few seconds back. When we hit the first barriers, I was in the top 4. I was breathing very hard; this was the fastest start we’d had in a few weeks. Along the next open section, Debbie passed me. I settled in 4th and flew over the next barriers. I was still in the Top 4 but knew it could not last with the strongest field present that the women’s division has ever seen. The laps on this course blended together after the first one. I could only concentrate on the moment and not each individual lap. I remember looking back on the second and third laps and seeing several women within a few seconds of me. At some point, Kari (All 3 Sports) and Ellen Carroll (Orbea-Clif Bar) passed me. Try as I might, I could not catch Kari, who would eventually pass Debbie as well. With two to go, I decided that I would try to catch Debbie, who was about 30 seconds ahead of me. I’d fallen into a complacent mode and only maintained my pace instead of pushing it. I snapped out of it and started to try to push myself a little bit. My legs would not respond. My breathing had not been good at the start of the race and began to act up as I tried to go faster. This course allowed for no recovery, and I felt it. With one lap to go, I got within about 20 seconds of Debbie, but that was as close as I could come. My legs felt very weak half way into the final lap. I need to finish strong, though, because I might have to at Nationals. There is no slacking in Cyclocross. Once I got to the top of the final hill before the last set of barriers, I took a few deep breaths and bombed down the hill towards the barriers. I hopped off and got back on as fast as I could. I clicked down into a harder gear and stood up. I sprinted for the finish even though I was going against no one. Going hard at the end may pay off in a few weeks. I was a bit disappointed with my race. Although able to maintain the speed throughout the race, I was not able to push myself. Some more turns or one place to recover might have changed that. Although the course was good, it did not suit my strong riding qualities (short, steep hills and tight and twisty). 

Congratulations to the Women’s division: 1. Lisa Randall (Sobe-Cannondale)
2. Kim Sawyer (Nalley)
3. Ellen Carroll (Orbea-Clif Bar)
4. Dani Dembrack (Sunshine)
5. Kari (All 3 Sports)
6. Debbie Borden (Nalley)
7. Trish Albert (Boneshakers-Team Peggy)
8. Kathleen Tokuda (Velo Bella)
9. Lisa Safstrom (Velo Bella-Outback)
10. ?
11. ?
12. ?
13. Kari Linder

The Women's division waits to start. Photo by Leon Frana.

Debbie Borden (Nalley) gets ready to remount. Photo by Leon Frana.

Trish Albert (Team Peggy-Boneshakers) goes over a barrier. Photo by Leon Frana.

Lamar Mauney (R) and Gerard Remary battle it out in the Masters 30+ race.