Geico Duathlon

by Jim Burt
Date: April 5, 2003
Place: Macon, GA

Geico Duathlon (5k run / 18 mile bike / 2 mile run) Report 

I woke up this morning at around 2:30am, no that wasn't to get ready for the race, that was to empty the bladder from the margaritas I had during happy hour on Friday. I probably had more of them than I should have (considering I was 
planning on racing the next day), but what the hell they were tasty and I was using this race as a 'training' race anyway. 

My alarm clock sounded at 5am (which was actually 4:30am due to the 30 mins of safety snooze time I have padded into it. I took advantage of that and started moving around 5am real time. I took a shower, put in the contacts, log on the 
internet and get the directions, gather the gear (wheels, running shoes, tri-geek outfit) when all was said and done, I was out the door a little before 6am. I stopped at QuickTrip to grab some KK donuts (a pre-race favorite of 
mine) and lots of coffee. 

I'm off. I'm now on autopilot for the next 1-1/2 hrs as I drive to Macon. As I'm heading south, I'm starting to wonder if I have the date wrong. I haven't seen a car with a bike on the road! My typical pre-race panic about anything 
and everything sets in, but I slowly put those worries out of my head and account it to the typical jitters. 

Finally, at the exit. I'm one of the first ones in the parking lot. I get a front row spot and go in and get registered. 

I head back to the car and get the bike adjusted. I put on the Zipps, add the aerobars. I get myself dressed and I have about 1hr before race. I head out for a an easy 30 min bike. I run into a couple of other guys out doing the same. I 
talk with to see if he knows anything about the course. The flyer said *5* hills. He tells me it has hills, but I still can't think it's going to be anything like what I'm grown accustom too (gaps, bellyache, etc). 

I finish my warm up ride, grab my gear and head to the transition area. I'm all set up. and perfect timing.. I've got about 10 mins to start.. So I jog around near the start finish area. 

Well, this is the Geico Duathlon...So, true to form they had the Gecko start the race for us. 

We're off! The run is flat. Very flat. It's almost like running at the river. I go past the first mile mark...they are calling time splits... 6:24...did I hear that right? I felt good and I haven't been running super fast recently. .. So 
I'm pleasantly surprised. 

I continue at a comfortable pace and finish the run around 20:28. Time for a quick transition and I'm off on the bike. 

The bike course is awesome. Their are some strong riders out there, but all of my recent hill climbing has been paying off. I pick off a couple of riders early, but then it becomes a slow process of reeling everyone else in. It becomes apparent that I am passing people on the hills! Since when have I been quicker than folks on the hills? Thank-you gaps! 

I finish the bike and I'm not sure how far back I am. Just like all my other races, I've started cramping during the end of the bike leg. I get to the transition, put on the running shoes and I'm off. 

UGH. Who replaced my legs with concrete! Pain, pain, pain! I get passed on the run by two people... I quickly realize they are with a 'team' and that explains their fresh legs and quick gate. After the first mile, my legs started to come 
back to me. I passed 2 people during the run. I finished this run with a ~7:30 pace. 

I cross the finish, and they hand me a finish card to put my name/age/time on it. I complete it, and hobble over to the table to turn it in....I ask my placing... and she tells me that I finished 3rd in my age group (35-39)! 

My total time was 1:28:48. I was 1 1/2 mins behind the guy that won my age group. 

Randy, clean off a shelf, we're starting to bring home some trophies to the shop!

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