2007 Past News

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1-1-2007 Team Update Chris Hurst and Trish Albert competed at the Cyclocross National Championships in Providence, RI December 15-17th. Chris raced the Masters 35-39 Men and was 112th of over 160 racers. His goal was to pass as many people as possible because of his nearly last row start. He accomplished his goal.

Trish wanted a midpack finish in both of her races, but she was hampered by 6 weeks of riding with a broken hand. She was unable to ride hard for several weeks in October and November. In the Master Women 30-34, she was one of only 2 Cat. 3 women. The rest were Cat. 1 and 2's. The Top 3 in her age group would get Top 10 in the Elite race later in the weekend. Despite everything working against her, Trish got a Top 20. In the Women's B race, Trish finished mid-pack after having a good race.

Josh has been seen rolling around in his desk chair for cross training. He has also been spotted at Babies R Us along with Brett G. Both are learning how to burp babies, and Josh is getting a head start practicing his diaper changing.

Brad claims to have seen his bike at least once in the last month. Richie waves hi to his bike in his garage at least once a week. Someone claims to have spotted Glenn and Michael S. on the Airport ride in December.

Jeff and Laura came to Atlanta for the Christmas holiday and joined the team for a ride one day. It was good to see them!

Travis, Brett, Julia, and Liam are training for the Snake Creek Gap Time Trial Series put on by NW Georgia SORBA. The TT is 16 or 34 miles on one of the toughest trails in the Southeast. Good luck to you guys!

Congratulations Laura and Jeff! Congratulations to OTR Cycling Team Members Laura Sconyers and Jeff Wheeler on their New Year's Eve Engagement! We heard that Jeff didn't screw things up too badly, and that the ring has quite a bit of bling!

1-8-2006 Snake Creek Time Trial Congratulations to Julia Radmann, who won the Under 30 Women's category on the 17 mile course at the Snake Creek Time Trial in Dalton, GA on January 6th! Travis Cross was first in the 17 mile Clydesdale division. Way to go Julia and Travis! Brett Goldenberg did the 34 miler Men 30-39 and was 15th in a huge class.

2-4-2007 Chris's WBL Alto Report Chris went to the Alto WBL on Jan. 27th. Also is one of the Queen rides on the WBL. He filed this report:

"I also decided to go out for a long ride Saturday and participate in the Alto WBL ride out of Athens. This is the hardest terrain and distance combination out of all the WBL with two strong climbs, several rollers, two designated sprint zones, and a distance of about 112 miles. The climbs were fairly tough for me since I have not done too much so far this new year. I decided to just ride the climbs at a tough but manageable pace which put me about mid pack on all the climbs. Due to poor management of water, I ran out with about 12 miles to go and then also developed a brief cramp in my left quad so I had to back off of the pace just when the group picked up steam for the final sprint of the day. It is always amazing how much longer a few miles seem to be when you run out of water : ) I ended up grouping up with three big guys (must be sprinters) and rolled with them using their draft for a bit until we merged up with another small pack who always came off the front of the pack. This group of about 15 then finished off the ride at a moderate pace. The ride time for me was just shy of 6-hours and I was soooooo happy to make it back to the car without blowing up."

Tour De Orlando Jeff Wheeler rode the Tour De Orlando, a timed Metric Century, on Jan. 27th in Orlando, FL. Jeff finished 31st overall.

"We'll I survived! barely. This was, because I am so out of shape, the second hardest ride I've done. Second only to Six Gap Century. This was a race/group ride/hammerfest/ limp home alone sort of thing. Within the first half mile we hit the first timed zone, a minute climb of total pain for most especially if you weren't warmed up properly. For Florida it was cold, a blistering 48 degrees out. Needless to say it took the next 9 miles to catch my breath just in time to hit the second zone, a much longer rolling section, about 6 minutes in all. By now the legs felt much better, and I thought i had a good shot and doing well but you really could get a good feel because there was 125 people out there and someone in the back of the pack could have a better time through the zone and you wouldn't know it. At mile 15 we hit the third zone, "Sugarloaf Mountain". Luckily it is a short but very steep hill. You really couldn't get much more than 6mph until close to the top and I was able to kick it up a little and push it to 10mph. I felt really good on the third zone, and was looking forward to settling in a group for the rest of the ride. The race was officially over at that point and the remainder was a "fun" ride. I settled in with about 20 people and we had a nice pace line going avg. around 20-22 mph on the flats for about 30 miles. Then at about 20 miles to go we hit the hills again. I survived with the group for a few miles , but bonked with 15 to go. Fell of the pack and spent the remainder alone wondering if i was going to make it back. My legs were toast. inching back to the start , was very painful, hills all the way but I made it. I finished 7th in my age group and 30th out of 125. I was pleased considering I haven't been on a bike for 62 miles in a long time, let alone any sort of hill. That was the first time I'd rode the Clermont area and would recommend this route for some winter training."

Julia Takes Snake Creek Gap 2nd TT! On Feb. 3rd, Julia Radmann on her second Women's Under 30 Time Trial (17 miler) at the Snake Creek Gap Time Trial. Congratulations, Julia!

2-11-2007 Team Ride Eight members of OTR Cycling got together for a team ride at the Cartersville Brewery today. Because of low temperatures, the team decided to do the 45 mile route. Everyone had a great time.

OTR Cycling Group Ride

3-1-2007 Snake Creek Gap Congratulations to Travis and Julia on their placings in the overall at the NW Georgia SORBA's Snake Creek Gap Time Trial Series! Travis won the overall in the 17 Mile Men Clydesdale, and Julia won the Women 30 and Under 17 mile division.  

Team Update Race season is underway for OTR Cycling! The Men's 3 Team is looking forward to the Gainesville Georgia Cup in a few weeks. They are hoping to repeat their performances at Raccoon Mountain and the Ed Soto Memorial Stage race. The mountain bike team will be starting the GCS series at Arrowhead in 2 weeks.

The Florida team kicked off their race season this weekend with the Festival of Speed criterium in Orlando.

3-7-2007 Ride to the Capitol OTR Cycling is involved in cycling advocacy in addition to racing and having fun.

From Trish: I managed to sneak away from the office for about an hour and a half with my boss's blessing to go to the Ride to the Capitol on March 6. I know there were at least 600 preregistered riders, and I'd say there were about 800 or more there. I'm sure we will hear about the numbers within the next few days. I joined at Auburn Ave. and Courtland for the last 6-7 blocks. It was amazing seeing the huge groups from Roswell, Marietta, and Decatur converge on Courtland in a well orchestrated dance, assisted by about 25 motorcycle police officers from the various cities and counties. They closed down the last few blocks about 10 minutes before the groups merged. It was a site to behold! Groups also rode from Peachtree City and McDonough, which had over 40 riders. Amazing!

I listened to a few of the speeches and heard the last bit of the DOT representative saying that a new $50 million initiative for bicycle and pedestrian facilities is in some budget in Georgia over the next few years. A good point brought up by several of the speakers was that cyclists are voters and tax payers. Don't tell us to get off the road when we pay our gas, ad velorum, and property taxes. I loved that last sentiment.

Trish Albert in front of the Capitol at the Ride to the Capitol

Team Kits are Here! OTR--our team kits are here! Watch the email list for pick up times and locations.

3-19-2007 New Team Member OTR Cycling has a new GC Contender! Caleb Arwood was born last week to proud parents Leigh and Josh. Mom, Dad, and Baby are fine. Dad is back riding his bike courtesy of Grandma staying and helping Mom out!

Julia and Trish at Arrowhead

Arrowhead GCS Julia and Trish raced in Sport women Sunday, March 18th at the Arrowhead trail in Macon. Julia finished 2nd, and Trish was 5th. Both said that they had great races and felt good. Congratulations, ladies!

3-25-2007 Gainesville Georgia Cup Chris, Ryan, and Trish participated in the Gainesville Georgia Cup March 24-25. Trish started the weekend by doing the Women's Pro/Am 11 km Time Trial. She was 20th but was happy with her ride. Chris and Ryan did the Elite Road Race on Sunday on a challenging course with 2 KOMs each lap. The Elites were scheduled to do 6 laps. The pack split early on with both OTR Riders making the split. Unfortunately, Chris cramped and had to abandon after lap 5. Ryan finished in the middle of the 2nd split group.

4-1-2007 Knobscorcher AMBC by Trish Albert The preride of Tsali on Sat. was great! It was fast and dry, just perfect. Well, Sat. night it rained and rained and rained. It never really let up, not even during our race. Needless to say, it was a wet, muddy, nasty course.

I had a good race despite conditions. I was 13th out of about 30 sport women. I am not sure where I finished in the 30+. I had some chainsuck and a little loss of power on my rear brake, but I was in better shape than a lot of people. The worse thing for me was that mud kept getting in my eyes. I'm still picking dirt out of them. I was really consistant from start to finish although I wish I would have pushed the flat sections a bit harder. I might have been able to move up a place or two.

Julia completely rocked it and was 2nd in the 19-29!!!

There was quite a bit of carnage. I saw the poor guy with the collarbone and punctured lung on the left loop. Two nurses and a paramedic stopped to help him, and someone stood there letting people know to slow down. I heard he had to walk out. They rerouted the Expert race to only use the right loop because of that. I heard that there was a seperated shoulder in the Expert race.

Raisin Hope Ride by Chris Hurst On Saturday morning three team members (Brad, Sean, and Chris) woke up extra early to make the drive to Dalton GA to participate in the Saul Raisin charity ride. The purpose of this ride was to raise funds/donations for the Shepherd Center, Camp Twin Lakes, The Brain Injury Association of Georgia as well as the USA Cycling Development Foundation. The Shepherd Center is where Saul went through a lot of his recovery from his near fatal bike crash. The 50 mile option rode out of Dalton and went up past Ft. Mountain State Park. The climb was a fairly tough one at 7 miles in length and a couple of tough pitches, but the descent back down was very much worth it. With limited traffic due to local police warning drivers about the riders on route, it was possible to blast down the mountain on very smooth roads with easy curves.

The estimated crowd was around 350 folks and Saul was on hand to lead the riders out and give away door prizes at the end. He even decided to auction off the jersey on his back (he promised to sign it) which went for $1000 and then the winner donated it back and it auctioned again for $750.

This was a very good course with lots of sags, very friendly staff and lots of police at the big intersections. Hopefully, this ride will happen again next year! Here are a couple of pics from the guys on the ride and a view at the top. Not the best quality photos, but they were taken with a phone camera.

Sean Guiffre and Brad Moulard at the Raisin Hope Ride

4-15-2007 Raccoon Road Race by Chris Hurst cold...rain. ..wind... cold....rain ....wind

Besides the wonderful weather, the other highlights of my race today consisted of;

A really great attack at the end of the first lap as we started the last climb in order to bridge up to three other rider who attacked a little earlier. I finally made it to one of the three and we started to work together to catch the two others about 40 seconds ahead of us. As we rolling through one part of the course we came up on a course marshal whom was flagging traffic and appeared to be directing us to turn right, which I did since it was my pull. We quickly realized we had turned into some business park entrance and had to stop and turn back around and come out of there. This is a really great way to kill any momentum we had started to work out and and mentally blew it for us. About a minute later the pack was on us and the other two riders stayed away.

A key strategic move as we started the approach of the last sets of climbs to the start/finish line. I decided to sit back and just be ready to make something happen on the third lap. I noticed a couple of folks around me start draining their water bottles which I thought was a little odd. Then with 1 Km the pace picked up and I had to dig a little to stay with the remaining pack. A few folks were fading around me. As we came over the finish line I saw several of the front riders start pulling off to the sides and I was really baffled on why they were quitting with one lap to go. Finally, the other riders just in front of me sat up and started rolling along. At that particular moment it finally sank it to my brain damaged head that the race was over and that was the race finish, there was only two laps.

HA !!!!! : )

Blue Ridge Adventure Race Congratulations to Brett, who's team placed 8th of 102 teams at the Blue Ridge Adventure Race and to Julia Radmann, who was on the 12th place team!

5-1-2007 Ft. Yargo Xterra From Julia: "I raced XTerra at Ft. Yargo today. 800m swim, 10 mile mtb, and ~5 mile trail run. Even though I was tired and my msles sore from moving yesterday, I did really well. Perfect weather, great course! For half the run I was head-to-head with another girl and we had a mad uphill sprint to the finish with 200 meter to go, for 2nd place. It was pretty intense, I thought my legs were going to give out. So I won my category and came in 2nd overall female."

Ft. Yargo GCS Race Julia and Trish raced the GCS Ft. Yargo Mountain Bike race on April 29th. After having a great Xterra the day before, Julia was tired but still came in 4th. Trish was 7th.

St. Anthony's Triathlon Laura and Jeff finished the St. Anthony's triathlon last weekend. There were over 4000 entries! Jeff finished in 2 hours, 50 minutes, and Laura finished in 3 hours, 5 minutes.

Brasstown Baldbuster Century Chris and Mike S. completed the Brasstown Baldbuster Century on Saturday, April 27th. The Baldbuster is more like a race. Both stayed with the front group until about mile 70 at which point Chris dropped off. Mike finished 8th with a time just over 6 hours, and Chris was 9th. 

5-8-2008 Sunny King Crit by Trish Chris and I went to the Sunny King Crit in Anniston, AL on Saturday. Chris did the Cat. 3 and the 2/3 race. He hung in during the Cat. 3 race until two to go when a prime was announced. He tried to go off the front and make a move, but he just missed the prime. Chris looked really good in the 2/3 race and hung in to finish with the pack. One rider when off the front less than half way into the crit and just barely hung on for the win. I did the Women's 3/4 crit, which followed it's script for me. I got dropped along with someone else on the first lap. I sat behind the other girl for a few laps, but she was going really slow. I passed her and hung out by myself until about 7-8 laps to go when I the pack lapped me. I hopped back in and finished just behind them. I wasn't last. Yeah!

We did the 66 mile option on the Cheaha Challenge Century on Sunday. The climbs were not too long, but there was one that was really steep. Chris had no problems with it and even did a few repeats on it. I, on the other hand, only did it once. It kicked my butt.

Dirty Spokes 12 Hour Race by Julia On Saturday, Sam Kaine and I (the 'Dirty Blondes') defended our title from last year as the 2-person female winning team at 12H of Dirty Spokes. Between the two of us, we put in 11 laps (132 miles). The course started out muddy and slippery and I crashed pretty hard on the first lap, but we were lucky with the weather and after a few laps, the course got packed in nicely. Shey Linder took overall 12h Solo title. His lights went dead just after he passed me and so I had the honors to bring him in on the last lap (his 13th lap!) just before the cut-off.

Chris Hurst in the Cat. 3 race at the Sunny King Crit


Trish shows off the reflectors in case she gets lost at the velodrome.

5-29-2007 Sandy Springs Time Trial From Trish: I did the Sandy Springs Omnium Time Trial up in Cherokee County on Saturday. I had been sick since last Thursday, and it showed. I had a rather abysmal TT and was last in the Pro/1/2/3 women but did manage to beat of few of the Cat. 4's times. Sunday was the Dauset SERC mountain bike race. I felt better than Saturday and managed a near race pace for about half of the race. I concentrated on keeping it steady and not going anaerobic, a big no-no when I'm sick. I wasn't last, but I wasn't first.

Ryan Pumpian sits in during the Sandy Springs Crit on May 27th.

6-12-2007 Coast to Coast Congratulations to Julia and her team for completing the Coast to Coast 72 hour Adventure race in Florida!

Bump N Grind Travis Cross won the Sport Clydesdale class at Bump N Grind on June 3rd. In Men 35-39, Brett Goldenberg was 12th of over 35 entries. Way to go guys!

6-19-2007 Hi Tec Adventure Race by Julia "OTR/Strenflex got about 5 hours of prime time exposure on Saturday morning at the Siege on Fort Yargo Adventure Race. I raced with Dan Kaufman and Jarrett Keim as team TAINT SO BAD... and we finished 1st out of 102 teams.
We were in first after the 4th checkpoint and held a good lead all the way til the end after that. Pretty exciting. Taint so bad...." Way to go Julia!

The Rest of the Team Several team members are planning to go to the Dahlonega Georgia Cup at the end of the month. The team is also having a social the week of June 25th. Trish is doing the Columbus GSC mountain bike race this weekend. Travis and Brett are preparing for ORAMM in July.

6-25-2007 Columbus GCS by Trish Albert This is one of the flattest courses I have ever raced on. Someone said their GPS registered 600 feet of climbing per lap, but it felt like less. The start was straight into the singletrack. The next 12-15 minutes were spent at a slow pace making your way through a very twisty section of singletrack through the woods. There was not anywhere to get
up to speed until you came out and crossed the road. The next section was through a field with a short singletrack section to a whoopdedoo. The main technical challenge was a rock garden that went down a small hill, then flat, and then took a sharp right hand turn up the hill. I didn't make the turn in the preride and would not try it during the race. The next part was very fast and open by the lake to another open section. One small slickrock section provided a bit of a challenge along
with a series of 4 whoopdedoos. The next section was more tight, woodsy singletrack for about a mile and a half. The final stretch was pretty straight open and big ring to the finish.

With only 4 women, we didn't have a problem bunching up at the start like most of the groups. I felt good the first lap and kept it at my own pace. With temperatures already at 90 degrees by the time we started, I had to ride my own race and not worry about how I finished. I've never
been one to ride extremely fast through tight singletrack although I immensely enjoy it. That held me at a disadvantage as everyone rode away from me. When we hit the first open section, I realized the other ladies were not that far ahead of me. I pushed it hard but did not make up any ground. As I came to the rock garden, I saw Angie doubled over. She'd taken a hard fall, hit her ribcage, and was having problems breathing. She opted to take it easy and try to continue to finish. I passed her.
The few times I saw her on the lap, she was never too far behind me. I tried to push the pace, but every time I would go anaerobic, my lungs would seize up (darn EIVCD!). I kept the pace nice and steady as hard as I could go. Going into the second lap, I turned right into the singletrack instead of left. I had to stop, walk about 10 steps to turn around, and at that moment Angie flew by me. She got just enough of a gap on me that I was never able to catch her. I was always right behind
her, but I didn't have anything in the legs to try to attack. With this course, you were pedalling 99% of the time. There was no relief. I had a good second lap although it was several minutes slower than my first. I was not quite as fast through the whoopdedoo section. I got 4th. I was pleased with how I rode. I'm just slower than everyone else.

Tri the Parks Julia Raddmann got 2nd place in her age group at the Tri the Parks race this past weekend.

7-2-2007 Team Update Ten members of the team enjoyed a social at Fellinis after the Buckhead Bellyache last Thursday. The team treated everyone to pizza.

Trish placed 5th at the Clemson SERC race on July 1 in Clemson, SC.

7-8-2007 Georgia Games Crit Report  by Chris Hurst "I really had hoped to have a better showing today and did make pretty good move earlier in the race when the pack was starting to show some apathy, but after a few other folks bridged up the break became disorganized and it fell apart. Unfortunately, with about 8 minutes to go, I was taken out as I made an effort to move up the right side of the pack to regain some better position. A rider with Harbin Clinics decided to pop out of the pack without looking just as I was coming by him and are handlebars locked. I had hoped to get free but my front wheel was pulled down into him as he tried to turned away. We both went skidding along with me acting mostly as his surf board. I have some road rash on my right leg and arm which isn't too bad, but my right ankle and wrist are both tender. The buckle on my right shoe was ground down and is not longer functional and both wheels need truing since they are rubbing the calipers. The other rider apologized multiple times and admitted he was in the wrong and fortunately (for him) he was not hurt too badly."

Carter's Lake MTB Race by Trish Albert "Carter's Lake was a lot of fun! Sport did two and a half laps or almost 15 miles! That's the most I've ever done at Carter's Lake. It isn't quite as bad as it sounds. We started going UP the paved road from the bathrooms on the road not by the boat ramp. The course cut out one of the nastiest climbs before coming through the boat ramp road. I'm not complaining about missing that hill; it was horrible! It cut the laps down to about 5.5 miles. The course was dry, a little dusty, and just perfect. It hadn't rained up there since Tuesday morning. After driving through the rain on the way up, it stopped north of Canton. Nary a drop had fallen at Carter's Lake.

I had another good, consistent race. I can't seem to pull out a great race this year, but they've all been good. Some new equipment on the bike has helped excise the mechanical demons from last year (*knock on wood*). My back hurts as always, but I've learned how to block it out. I got 4th."

Ryan Pumpian relaxes in the OTR Cycling RV at the Rome Georgia Cup

7-16-2007 Rome Georgia Cup A large contingent of OTR Cycling teammates raced at the Rome Georgia Cup this weekend. Ryan "Counsel" Pumpian, Chris "Sand Squirrel" Hurst, and Michael "Legs" Stiemle raced in the Elite Omnium. Rome also marked the race return of team president Josh "Bridesmaid" Arwood as he raced in the crit and team time trial. Trish Albert joined "her boys" for the TTT. The team started out the morning with the team time trial up and down Technology Parkway, a 24 km rolling TTT. After shaking off last year's demons and riding cohesively as a team, OTR Cycling came in 4th, only 10 seconds down from 3rd. The team then retreated to the 33' RV that Josh so kindly rented for the day. The air conditioning, comfortable beds, and food a plenty refreshed the team for the evening crit. Josh, Michael, Ryan, and Chris toed the line as their adoring fans (ok, wives and relatives) cheered them on. Ryan was in the mix including a few mid race breaks. Chris clung to the back as he was on a borrowed bike after his rear shifter suffered a mental breakdown from a crash last weekend. Michael proved that he is not out of shape like he constantly says, and Josh still has what it takes to fight with the big sprinters. The boys held strong and finished midpack after a blistering paced crit.

Josh Arwood racing in the Elite crit at the Rome Georgia Cup

Rome Report by Ryan Pumpian The Rome Race Results are up, and they confirm what we already knew - the OTR men are back! Josh rode strong, as he saw his first racing action since his season-ending injury from last year, and Michael (a/ka/ Mary Beth according to the result sheets) raced for the first time this season. The action was so exciting that it even motivated Glenn to want to get back to pedaling with anger.

With only four men in the Elite category, OTR managed a fourth place in Saturday morning's TTT, losing only a minute to the number one team (Aarons) that started with seven riders. The second (RBM) and third place (Cycleworks) teams had six riders each yet gained only 28 and 9 seconds, respectively, on OTR. And OTR beat the five riders of Iron Data by 27 seconds.

The evening's criterium was fast (average 24 mph) but uneventful. A two man break got away late and finished with about a 10 second advantage over the field, but no damage was done to OTR's position in the overall. RBM had, however, taken a 1 second lead over Aaron's going into the next day's RR, and that meant the race would be a battle.

The RR offered up to a 15 second time bonus on the first of two climbs over the approximately 1.5 mile Horne Mountain. The field was content to ride steady to the base of the first climb. Riders jockeyed for position on the first approach, and that would prove critical. Upon hitting the initial steep slope of the climb, the hammer went down as everybody wanted a piece of the 10-deep time bonuses. Ryan hit it hard and crested 5th, ultimately gathering in the front group of about 10 after the twisty decent. Michael got blocked at the bottom of the climb and settled in to the 20 man chase group. Chris, riding on a borrowed bike circa 1980s, soldiered on.

Not far into the second lap, Ryan payed for his effort for the time bonus, as his hamstring began to cramp. He therefore sat up, consumed what gels and drink he had, and waited for what he hoped would be a chase group. Hope soon became reality as a chase group led by RBM and Camp Highlands, who were unrepresented in the break, appeared with Michael in tow. Throughout the second lap, Michael shared his Rock Star / Gatorade concoction (UCI legal?) with Ryan and that seemed to bring new life.

A hard chase led to the capture of the break, and despite several strong attacks throughout the second lap, it was gruppo compacto at the bottom of the climb. Ryan and Michael both went up at their own steady paces, finishing a respectable 9th and 10th (the results say Mary Beth was 11th but they are wrong). Most importantly, each put about 45 seconds into RBM and much more into Cycleworks and all but one Aarons rider, enabling Ryan to climb to 3rd overall and Michael to 4th overall. Chris finished strong in 11th.

The hard luck award goes to Chris who, after crashing hard last week, snapped his rear derailleur cable just as we began to warm up for the crit. Props go to Kari Bradley for loaning Chris her bike that evening and to Trish for doing the same for the RR. The biggest props of all go to the Big J for renting a rolling palace (33' RV) for the team to rest and recover in - the extra rest was surely the difference in the TTT, which laid the foundation for the overall result.

7-27-2007 ORAMM Congratulations to the OTR Team Members that raced at the Off Road Assault on Mt. Mitchell this past weekend! Travis Cross (Vet Men), Liam Bennett (Vet Men), Brett Goldenberg (Vet Men), and the ROCKING Julia Radmann, 7th place in Open Women!

8-6-2007 Georgia Championship Series Trish won 3rd place overall in Sport Women at the Georgia Championship Series mountain bike series.

Trish wins 3rd in Sport Women at the GCS Awards Banquet

Xterra Congratulations to Julia, who won the high point award for her division in the Xterra off road triathlon race series! She also won her age group at the Panther Creek Xterra this past weekend.

Way to go OTR Ladies!!

8-10-2007 Team Party OTR Cycling enjoyed some down time together at a party this weekend hosted by Josh and Leigh Arwood. Team members lounged by the pool, drank beer, ate good food, and took team photos.

Try getting this crew ready to take formal pictures! Josh and Chris get freaky, Jeff and Brad playing patty cakes.

Dahlonega Georgia Cup Chris, Mike S., and Ryan tackled the Dahlonega Georgia Cup Road Race on August 12th. They all had strong midpack finishes in one of the hardest races of the year.

8-21-2007 Challenge Four Adventure Race by Julia Radmann: "Another good weekend of racing. I competed in the 6H Challenge Four Adventure Race with Allen McAdams and Bill Flechter (Team Enduraventure/ Outspokin' ) on Saturday. We made it in before dark in under 5 hours and crossed the finish line in first place together with the all-male CheckPoint Zero Team. We leapfrogged with the top teams for most of the race and finished just 5 minutes before the next co-ed team.

The race started with an orienteering section at the Cherokee YMCA, followed by a mountain bike section, where some of the trail markings were removed and one check point was stolen, which cost us the lead and some time. Then it was miles and miles of nasty coasteering, swimming, mud-running, and bushwacking to the boatdrop. From there, since the river wasn't much more than a trickle, we just ran the first section with the canoe. We were all very dehydrated, but could already smell the finish line and paddled hard to keep ahead of the competition."

Julia Radmann and team paddle at the Challenge Four Adventure Race. Photo by Lisa Randall.

8-28-2007 Cyclocross Clinic Trish taught a cyclocross clinic on Sunday with Kari Linder of Sorella Cycling. Ten riders came out to see how to jump barriers, shoulder bikes, and practice other cyclocross skills. OTR Cycling team members enjoy giving back to the cycling community.

Trish shows how to shoulder a cyclocross bike at Sunday's clinic. Photo by Carl

Chattanooga Crit by Chris Hurst  I raced the masters field in Chatt-a-vegas on Sunday and there was a crash about half way through. Luckily, I was to the left of the action and was able to have some exit room to dodge the banging. With two laps to go I hit the gas coming through the start/finish line and passed most all of the field and parked myself in about 8th wheel. It was thing of beauty, but unfortunately I let my position slip away coming through the second turn due to some bumping in front of me. So, my finish was medicore at best, but it felt good to be out there mixing it up and making a move at the right time. Maybe next time I can hold onto that which I worked hard to obtain!

Travis Cross, Don Coggia, and friends after the Black Bear Rampage on August 26th. A little muddy, eh guys?

9-10-2007 Pepper Crit Trish raced in Birmingham, AL at the Pepper Crit on Sept. 8th in the Women's 3/4 division. She had a good race and was happy she was not last.

Georgia Cup Finale Chris raced at the Grant Park Criterium in the Masters race and was 19th. Chris and Ryan did the Elite race at the Buckhead Grand Prix on Sept. 9th. Ryan hung in for a top 20 finish. Chris said he felt the effects of a hard race on Saturday and opted to watch the last half of the race from the shade under the tent.

Coosa River Challenge Julia raced the Coosa River Challenge in Wetumpka, AL on Sept. 8. This was an adventure race with mountain biking, running, white water paddling, swimming, coasteering, climbing, a little cyclocross, and a bunch of other special tests like jumping off a 15ft high wall into the river. She raced with Allen McAdams in the co-ed team division and we won in 3:39.

Congratulations to the entire team!

Ryan Pumpian at the Buckhead Grand Prix Elite Race

9-24-2007 12 Hours of Dauset Several team members raced at the 12 Hours of Dauset last weekend. Julia and Brett teamed up with 2 other to win the mixed team category. Don was part of the winning 4 Man team. Way to go!

Festival of Speed by Ryan "I would like to tell you all how well I did at the track Saturday, but that would be lying. The day began with me leaving my front wheel at home (thanks Glenn for the spare), then I failed to advance out of my sprint heat by the width of a tire, then I got to see what it was like to experience the benefit of shaved legs as I slide down from the top of the track and took out two others (pure embarrassment as I hit my pedal going 2 mph), and then I tripped carrying my rollers to the car and gave myself a sore and swollen ankle. And when I was actually on two wheels racing, I really stunk it up. Our sponsors probably would have been happier had I taped over the ads on my kit. The pros, however, were a lot of fun to watch. Emile Abraham and Jeff Hopkins went head to head multiple times, and it was poetry on wheels."

Brett and Julia along with teammates won the Co-Ed division at the 12 Hours of Dauset


Trish and Chris joined the Cyclocross Practice on Sunday, Sept. 30th at the Gwinnett Touring Club's Secret Training Location. Photo by Dan Coy's Camera on Remote Control.