Raccoon Mountain Road Race

by Mitch Askew

Place: Chattanooga, TN
Date: 4-13-2003

Bob Cagle, Chad Pepper, Eric Anderson, and Mitch Askew were at the Raccoon Mtn RR representing the Boneshakers Bicycle Team. The course was a 27 mile loop with a 2 mile stairsteps climb and a 1 1/4 mile clime to the finish/completion of lap. Bob Cagle was in the Pro 1,2's without any teammates. They had to do the loop 4 times! His result was not all that great, but there is something to be said for someone keeping up with the Pro teams on that course for four freakin laps. The Cat Five's did one lap. Eric got 2 for his age group 20 and under and 6 overall for Cat 5's 29 and under. He did most of the pulling and working and still had enough energy for an out of the saddle finish. He even "took" the Ga. and Tenn. state line signs that were one the loop just for fun. (Side note *Moments before he was going to race his pedal broke. He borrowed Ryan's pedal and shoe from The Bike Shop team in order to compete.) Chad Pepper raced the 30 and over Cat 5's and got 23 over all and rode most of his lap by himself chasing the lead group. Good job and hats off to both of our 5's and Cagle. As for me, the first lap was o.k. I punched up through the finish line on our first lap just to see what my legs were like and they seemed o.k. On the 2 mile stairstep it was full gas the whole way up and that drained my legs. On the final climb I made an executive decision that even though my hams were cramping I would go with my big ring and attempt an out of saddle attack/sprint. As we began the final climb they were getting super squirrelly, I finally yelled "Hold your fu*#ing line guys" which chilled everyone out for about 45 seconds and then at 14 mph going straight and up hill there was a crash. It was happened right behind me, so I was now the tail end of the lead group. On the last steep section to the finish line mentally I could not get out of the saddle and in one brief second I said to myself it is over and just limped to the finish line as others were passing me. There will be other days and races.

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