Tumbling Creek Mountain Bike Rumble

by Trish Albert

Race: Tumbling Creek Mountain Bike Rumble
Place: Gainesville College, Gainesville, GA
Date: 10-4-2003
Distance: 15.76 miles
Speed: 10.4 mph
Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes

My race went something like:

Go to a race feeling better than I have since June when I peaked for a NORBA National. Have a good warm up. Discover front wheel isn't spinning freely because disk brake is rubbing 20 minutes before the race because I haven't ridden the bike since the last race-a month ago. Decided to reset pistons, take brake pads out, discover brake pad is in 1,297 pieces (must have been causing the rubbing). Have brake pad break the piston in your front brake break and leak all hydraulic fluid out 10 minutes before your race. Run to two friends who try deperately to find a solution. Realize that you need a new caliper and will be racing with only a back brake. Change race strategy to "I will win" to "I will stay upright, not run into any trees, and will finish." Race anyway with just a rear brake, have a good time, and not run into any trees. Somehow get third place in Super Sport.

Lock your keys in your car after your race when you are in a rush to get to the awards. Realize your cell phone is in your purse in the truck along with your AAA card. Friend offers cell phone. Decide to try something else to avoid waiting for AAA. Announcer offers a prize for anyone that can "break" into a car to get keys. Thanks to Scott at Adventure Cycles for "breaking in" to my car and getting my keys out!!! That dude always seems to be around when I have problems and gets me out of a jam.

Have fun on a beautiful fall day!