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OTR Cycling 2007

10-8-2007 Alabama Cyclocross by Chris Hurst. Here is the brief report from the first cyclocross race of the season. This event took place in a park a little bit south of the city and it was a very hard course with 7 dismounts, including two creek crossings and two log barriers and a barricade section set on a twisty wooded section. There was also a section of soupy mud just below the drainage from a baseball field that punished your legs every time you crawled through it.

Trish raced the Women's field and took 5th out of nine riders and actually received her race entry back in prize money. She had a great race and I did not lap her until two laps to go! Great job Trish!

I raced in the B field (just a few minutes ahead of the ladies), which is CAT 3/4 equivalent and placed 11th out of 19 riders. I was top 5 for the first lap and felt good but continued to loose ground at every friggin obstacle. I had to sprint against another rider at the finish pavement section to hold onto 11th and only had him but about a foot. I managed not to crash at any point during the race bud did do an endo while on my second practice lap before the race while attempting to bunny hop a creek crossing : )

10-15-2007 Cincinnati Cyclocross by Trish I went to Cincinnati, Ohio this past weekend to do two UCI Cyclocross races. I had a terrible race on Saturday. It was like I forgot how to ride my bike. I kept sliding out everywhere on this tight, technical course. I wound up 7th in the B Women. Sunday's course was much more open and "roadie." I felt really good but did not get a good start. I picked my way towards the front and placed 6th of 14 riders. I was happy with my results because it is still early in the year. 

Chris races at the Conyers Cyclocross Race in the Masters 35+

10-21-2007 Conyers Cyclocross Thanks to everyone on the team today that came out to volunteer at the cyclocross race in Conyers at the Georgia International Horse Park. The team sold series t-shirts and pint glasses, cheered on the riders, and broke down the course after the race. Chris and Trish pulled double duty by racing. Chris finished midpack in the Masters 35+. Trish got very ill and barely finished the A Women.

The OTR Cyclocross Volunteers ready to work--after coffee.

10-30-2007 Xterra Hawaii Julia raced at the Xterra World Championships this past weekend in Hawaii. "Aloha, I finished 11th in my age group at XTerra Worlds in Maui yesterday, in a time of 4:06:20. I was able to drop about 25 minutes off my time from last year (when I finished 13th). The bike course seemed a little easier and less brutal with fewer lava rocks, and I did a lot better on the run. Unfortunately, I got outsprinted at the finish line by a girl who sneaked up behind me and who took 10th, but I was still happy about my finish.. with no crashes, no mechanicals or flats, and hardly any cramping on the run."

Julia at Xterra Worlds in Hawaii