November 2017 News

11-27-2017 Atlanta Cycling Lights Ride Mark your calendars for one of the most fun rides of the holiday season! Join Atlanta Cycling-Vinings for the annual 12 mile / 12 mph, stay together, ride to see the Christmas lights by bike. Please mount front and rear lights to be seen. Street lights provide enough light to see. Purely Optional –  bring an unwrapped toy of any value to be given to a local children’s home. Riders and non-riders plan to meet after the ride at NY Pizza Exchange in downtown Vinings at the railroad tracks – just before 8:00 PM.

11-26-2017 All is Quiet I hope everyone got to eat some turkey/tofurkey and pie as well as got some riding in to work it off! It’s that time of year when all is quiet. I’m still here. Contact me if you have any ride, team, race, etc. press releases that you would like to have me post on Southeastern Cycling!

11-22-2017 Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you eat way too much, get in a bike ride, and watch the National Dog Show (I don’t do football)! I plan to do all 3…..

11-20-2017 Nash Farm CX Photos My photos from Nash Farm CX are ready at There are plenty from all races!

Seven CX1/2 racers stayed together until the last lap to take advantage of a windy day at Nash Farm CX.

11-16-2017 USA Crits Series 2018 marks the 12th year of the USA CRITS Championship Series, the premiere cycling series in the United States. Criteriums are the most spectator-friendly and enduring form of cycling racing in America. Locally originated races combine the highest levels of cycling with urban street fairs and festivals, while showcasing some of America’s most vibrant downtown districts.

Ten races across the United States, plus the Series Finals, will make up the 2018 Series, landing in many of the country’s major cycling markets. The Series begins in Athens, Georgia in late April with the tenth race being in St. Louis, Missouri on Labor Day weekend. The #racefororange will culminate in the Series Finals held September 15th. Watch for the Finals location and details announcement in early January 2018.

Twenty-five of America’s elite men’s and women’s cycling teams will be invited to participate as USA CRITS D1 Teams. While each individual race is open to all eligible athletes, the Series will focus on these D1 Teams as they #racefororange. Thanks to new partnerships and the ability to engage a national fanbase, the Series Champion’s Purse will offer $100,000 in season-ending prize money for D1 Teams and individual leaders. The Champion’s Purse and each race will offer equal payout to both male and female racers, with each event offering a minimum $10,000 to these elite fields.
Southeastern USA Crits stops:
April 28 Athens Orthopedic Clinic (AOC) Twilight Criterium – Athens, GA
May 26 Winston Salem Cycling Classic – Winston-Salem, NC


11-13-2017 Rome CX Photos My photos from Rome CX are up at I have photos from everything except for the Juniors.

A rider goes through the mud at Rome CX.

11-10-2017 DLV Workday Velodrome Workday #2 announced Saturday, December 9th from 9 am to 3 pm. Work will include: Finish Board repair, Leaf bagging, Finish Pressure washing turn 4, Pressure spray wood crossing turn one, Oil change on pressure sprayer, Finish fixing gutters add Gutter Guards, Ant control/killer, Continue Bike repairs, Spray for bugs, Fence repair turn one/two, Tree trimming – does anyone have a pole chainsaw?, Repair apron, Pizza eating, Help us keep the velodrome looking nice and rideable.

Cochran Mill Park Work Party From SORBA Atlanta Join us for monthly work party at Cochran Mill Park this Saturday, Nov. 11 at 9 am. We will be working on a small reroute on the Red Trail. SORBA VP Pete Edmondson will be instructing volunteers on how to layout correct trail grades and grade reversals. Then we will build the new trail. All trail users are welcome to attend. Wear close toed shoes, bring gloves, water, snacks and your epi pen if you are allergic to bees,. Meet in main parking lot at 9. We will see you there!

Sope Creek Work Party From SORBA Atlanta Sope Creek Work Party Saturday, November 18 9 am-Noon Join us for our monthly Work Party at Sope Creek and give back to the trails that you love to ride. We meet at the Columns Drive parking lot at 9 AM at the gate by the Fitness loop. Wear long pants, closed toed shoes, bring gloves, water, snacks and your epi pen if you are allergic to bees. We will see you there.

11-9-2017 Op-Ed Let’s Bring Women Back to the Track! It’s been a long time since I’ve done an editorial. This is my opinion an only my opinion. It does not reflect the opinion of anyone else.

There really has not been “Women’s Racing” at the DLV for years other than at Pro Races. The fields for the Pro Races have been great with a lot of strong racing–attacks, solo efforts, chases, and more! I’ve been privileged to be racing the Pro Races for the last 2 years. The payouts are good, and we provide the spectators with exciting racing! What the track lacks–and still does–is a development path for women riders. As with all beginners, women take the certification class. Brian Sullivan does an excellent job with helping the new riders. If anyone chooses to race, they need to do the Tuesday night races and get 6 points before they can move up to the C races. All Beginners race together. I have seen women obtain their points and disappear, never to return. They get thrown in with the C racers–including some really fast guys–get dropped from every race one night, get discouraged, and decide that track is not for them. The attitude of some of the more experienced racers has also turned off several women that are strong riders and have race experience in other disciplines. I have talked to a couple of these women to confirm this, so it is not speculation. I have made a personal commitment to try to talk to every “non-regular” (ie one that doesn’t race every week) woman each night at the track and let her know she is welcomed by the other racers. It’s a start all of us racers–including the guys–need to make. Let’s drop the elitist attitudes.

Why no development path? I think it is a combination of several things.
1. No person to run it. You have to have volunteers to run a program. This may not be from lack of interest but simply lack of anyone to do it. This is not a problem isolated to the DLV but to many worthy organizations. We all work full time or are full time moms/dads, have outside commitments, other interests, etc. It is a huge undertaking to start and run a development program.
2. Lack of funding for a specific women’s development program. I know that it is very expensive to run a program. Funding is always scare. With funding, a part time women’s development coordinator could be hired-similar to the coaches they have for the YCL (Youth Cycling League). One thing that has come to mind for me without a development program is to have a series of beginner and intermediate clinics specifically for track certified women on a weekend afternoon for 2 hours and charge a nominal fee ($10 or so). The instructor could volunteer or 50% of the fees could be used to pay them for their time with the other 50% going back to help start women’s programming at the velodrome.
3. Old Guard Male Attitudes. “All the women want to race with the men.” “To get women faster they need to race with the men.” “The women don’t care who they race with.” “Well, the men don’t want to wait an extra 10 minutes for a women’s race to be run tonight.” “There need to be a minimum of X women to have a women’s race tonight.” When the minimum is reached, the nightly race director still does not have a women’s race. No, the minimum needs to be 2 racers! I have good news on this front. Erin Young, who ran a lot of programming and classes the NSC Velodrome in Blaine, MN, has taken over Tuesday night mass start racing. He has assured me that the minimum field for women’s races on Tuesdays will be TWO riders. I hope that more experienced women that race track will come support these races! (You can still race with the Masters, too!) Why a women’s race? To give the newer riders a chance to ride with other women and learn from them. You can’t develop fast & experienced women’s riders overnight. There needs to be a path for them to learn. I have enjoyed my conversations with Erin, and I am hopeful that he can start bringing change to the women’s programming at the DLV.

What can all track racers do to help? Be nice. Seriously, just be nice to the newbies–especially the women and female-identifying racers. If they are having a problem with their bike/equipment/pinning their number, ask if they need assistance. Smile at them and welcome them to the track. Take 5 minutes of your evening to strike up a conversation and get to know a newbie. Answer questions with enthusiasm. Invite the newer racers to join your warm up pace line as time gets nearer to race time. Help them learn by your example of holding your line, pulling off safely, etc.

I add one thing–in order to race or ride/practice at the track, you need to be certified–men and women! Keep an eye on the DLV schedule for the next certification class.

11-5-2017 Ellenwood CX Photos Photos from the Ellenwood CX Ranch Race are up at Plenty from all categories!

Kinser Hewitt (Loose Nuts) gets some serious air at the Ellenwood CX Ranch race on Saturday.

11-1-2017 November Is it really  November already? Where did the time go? CX season is almost half way over!

DLV Closed The Dick Lane Velodrome is closed until a dead tree can be removed from the track. There is a workday scheduled for Sat., so come help out!

10-31-2017 WBL COMETH! THE WBL–The one and only original will start on December 2 with the Hub Bikes Maysville Extravaganza! 80 miles, 4 hours. The full WBL calendar is available on their Facebook page. Only the hardiest ride!

Allatoona Night Rides Join SORBA West Georgia at Allatoona for night rides every Tuesday and Thursday. For November and December meet at the Pitner Road Dog Park at 6:45. Rides behind at 7:00 pm. All riders need to sign in and out as well as a waiver per the agreement with Cobb County. For Nov. and Dec. only Turtleback and Red Baron will be open. In January the rides will go back to main parking lot and have access to all trails except Driftwood till February due to hunting season. Everyone must be off of the trail by 8:45 and out of the park by 9:00 pm per Cobb County. Any one that night rides outside this days or those not sign in is subject to being fined for trespassing. The rides are free to all. Lights are required.

Where Else Can I Night MTB? Want to ride your mountain bike at night? Blanket’s Creek does not close except for weather or special events. Please respect the closures when the gate is not open. RAMBO hosts monthly night rides at Big Creek. You need to register through the Roswell Parks and Rec website;  There is a small fee. GATR holds monthly night rides at a different trail in Gwinnett. Donations are requested to help cover the fee the county charges the club to ride at night. These group rides change frequently, so please check to see what their current schedule is with the sponsoring organization. Rides may be cancelled because of rain or extreme cold as well. Urban rides are also fun to do on intown bicycle trails and such. There are plenty of groups that do them, so go find one! Sope Creek is CLOSED at night under all circumstances. Don’t even try to ride there!

The Elite Masters start in a cloud of dust at the Savannah Superprestige Georgia State Championships.

10-30-2017 Savannah Superprestige Photos Photos from the Savannah Superprestige CX races will be up at by early Monday morning at I did not get as many as I’d hoped because of the gale force winds on Sunday. DSLRs and all of that dust and sand do not go well together, so I kept my camera in its safe place. For those that were not at the race–if you were in Atlanta you got a ton of rain on Saturday and cold temperatures Sunday. In Savannah Sunday we had gale force winds sustained at 20-25 mph with gusts much higher most of the day. The Georgia State Cyclocross Championships were EPIC!

Michael Montgomery’s (L5 Flyers) bike decided to pick up some of the course tape flying around as a souvenir. Monty had to run to the finish.

10-28-2017 In Pro News, Georgian Ty Magner has signed with Rally Cycling for 2018. John Murphy (NC) will remain with Holwesko-Citadel.

10-27-2017 2018 Races I am making the transition on the Mountain/Gravel  page to 2018 races. Anything labeled with an asterisk * or “2018” is 2018. Anything unlabeled is 2017. All Cyclocross will remain 2017 until spring/summer of 2018 when series start announcing their dates. Plus, we are still in the middle of CX season. I do not expect to see any road racing calendars until the early part of 2018. Most of what I am updating now are mountain, road, and endurance mtb dates. There are a couple of series including Nuts and Gone Riding that have released their 2018 schedule. Most of the races and race series have NOT set 2018 dates yet. I’ll be checking early season races every other week or so.

PROMOTERS: SEND ME YOUR 2018 DATES! sttarlite at

10-26-2017 Allatoona Park Closure Don’t forget, as the sun sets on the majority of the Allatoona Creek Park for 2017, most of the land will only be open to hunters with permits from November 1 – December 31. The Turtle Back, Red Baron and Whipper Snapper trails will remain open but must be accessed from the Pitner Road Dog Park.

10-25-2017 Dick Lane Velodrome Workday #1 DLV’s first workday is scheduled for 9AM, November 4th. Start getting those 2018 Rider of the Year points EARLY. Come join us if you can, we appreciate your help! Workday Chores: Repair bathroom lock cover, Motion light above the bike room needs replacing, Repair apron, Ventilation fan in men’s room, Pressure wash turn 4, Any tree limbs need to come down, Video Crossing wire into turn one redone, Ice machine.

10-24-2017 Savannah Superprestige Weekend The Georgia Cyclocross Series presented by Terrapin makes its annual journey to the low country this weekend. Returning for another year at Oglethorpe Speedway Park, the Savannah Superprestige Cyclocross weekend is going to up the ante, hosting the 2017 Georgia State Championship on Sunday, October 29th.  “We’re excited to welcome the series back to the flyover,” said Savannah Wheelmen race director Justin Bristol. “It’s a real pleasure hosting the race this year, and I can’t wait to give out the stars and bars jerseys on Sunday. We know it’s a long drive for a lot of our racers, so we’re expanding the prize list to include cash payouts for additional categories. Plus, we’ve got some great prizes from local bike shops and restaurants.” The course promises to be as fast and exciting as always, but with a few new tricks up its sleeve. Of course, the flyover will be back, but what other course features can we expect? Savannah may be flat, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be some drops this year.

 Free tent camping is available on site, and RV hookups can be reserved in advance. The OSP concession stand will be open for hungry racers and pit crews, and drinks will be flowing for attendees over 21. Join GACX in Savannah for another weekend of racing October 28-29 at Oglethorpe Speedway Park, 200 Jesup Rd., Pooler, GA 31322.

10-23-2017 Old Grey Barn Photos My photos from Old Grey Barn are up at There are plenty from all races (Except Elite Women & CX 4 since I have yet to master the art of using my DSLR while racing 😉

Kenny Oladapo (Bike Law Georgia) bunny hops the first barrier in the Single Speed at Old Grey Barn CX.

Then Not a Hop over the second barrier. Kenny’s OK!!!. Kenny got up & finished with a a strong Top 10 placing after hopping the barriers every other lap!

10-22-2017 Silver Comet Head’s Up Saturday, 10/28/2017, will be the Silver Comet Half and full marathons. According to their web site the full marathon route will go all the way to just east of the Paulding County Waste Treatment Plant. There will be a water/aid station at the Florence Road trailhead. The race starts at Mable House Amphitheater which is just under 2 miles south of the Floyd road trailhead. The trail is not closed for this event, but using it east of the treatment plant (Silver Comet Cycles to the Treatment plant)could be quite dicey. The marathoners have a 5.5 hour time limit.

October 2017 News

2018 Races I am making the transition on the Mountain/Gravel  page to 2018 races. Anything labeled with an asterisk * or “2018” is 2018. Anything unlabeled is 2017. All Cyclocross will remain 2017 until spring/summer of 2018 when series start announcing their dates. Plus, we are still in the middle of CX season. I do not expect to see any road racing calendars until the early part of 2018. Most of what I am updating now are mountain, road, and endurance mtb dates. There are a couple of series including Nuts and Gone Riding that have released their 2018 schedule. Most of the races and race series have NOT set 2018 dates yet. I’ll be checking early season races every other week or so.

PROMOTERS: SEND ME YOUR 2018 DATES! sttarlite at

10-26-2017 Allatoona Park Closure Don’t forget, as the sun sets on the majority of the Allatoona Creek Park for 2017, most of the land will only be open to hunters with permits from November 1 – December 31. The Turtle Back, Red Baron and Whipper Snapper trails will remain open but must be accessed from the Pitner Road Dog Park.

10-25-2017 Dick Lane Velodrome Workday #1 DLV’s first workday is scheduled for 9AM, November 4th. Start getting those 2018 Rider of the Year points EARLY. Come join us if you can, we appreciate your help! Workday Chores: Repair bathroom lock cover, Motion light above the bike room needs replacing, Repair apron, Ventilation fan in men’s room, Pressure wash turn 4, Any tree limbs need to come down, Video Crossing wire into turn one redone, Ice machine.

10-24-2017 Savannah Superprestige Weekend The Georgia Cyclocross Series presented by Terrapin makes its annual journey to the low country this weekend. Returning for another year at Oglethorpe Speedway Park, the Savannah Superprestige Cyclocross weekend is going to up the ante, hosting the 2017 Georgia State Championship on Sunday, October 29th.  “We’re excited to welcome the series back to the flyover,” said Savannah Wheelmen race director Justin Bristol. “It’s a real pleasure hosting the race this year, and I can’t wait to give out the stars and bars jerseys on Sunday. We know it’s a long drive for a lot of our racers, so we’re expanding the prize list to include cash payouts for additional categories. Plus, we’ve got some great prizes from local bike shops and restaurants.” The course promises to be as fast and exciting as always, but with a few new tricks up its sleeve. Of course, the flyover will be back, but what other course features can we expect? Savannah may be flat, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be some drops this year.

 Free tent camping is available on site, and RV hookups can be reserved in advance. The OSP concession stand will be open for hungry racers and pit crews, and drinks will be flowing for attendees over 21. Join GACX in Savannah for another weekend of racing October 28-29 at Oglethorpe Speedway Park, 200 Jesup Rd., Pooler, GA 31322.

10-23-2017 Old Grey Barn Photos My photos from Old Grey Barn are up at There are plenty from all races (Except Elite Women & CX 4 since I have yet to master the art of using my DSLR while racing 😉

Kenny Oladapo (Bike Law Georgia) bunny hops the first barrier in the Single Speed at Old Grey Barn CX.

Then Not a Hop over the second barrier. Kenny’s OK!!!. Kenny got up & finished with a a strong Top 10 placing after hopping the barriers every other lap!

10-22-2017 Silver Comet Head’s Up Saturday, 10/28/2017, will be the Silver Comet Half and full marathons. According to their web site the full marathon route will go all the way to just east of the Paulding County Waste Treatment Plant. There will be a water/aid station at the Florence Road trailhead. The race starts at Mable House Amphitheater which is just under 2 miles south of the Floyd road trailhead. The trail is not closed for this event, but using it east of the treatment plant (Silver Comet Cycles to the Treatment plant)could be quite dicey. The marathoners have a 5.5 hour time limit.

10-19-2017 Ride & Fly Trails Monthly Workday From SORBA Atlanta Ride & Fly Trails Monthly Workday Sat., Nov. 4 9 am-Noon, Address: 3224 Dodson Drive Connector East Point, GA 30344 From here on out, mark the first Saturday of the month as a great opportunity to come and build and maintain our trail system.  SORBA Atlanta and the City of East Point have partnered to develop what we hope will eventually become a series of connecting trails throughout the ATL Airport District by starting with beautiful Skyes Park in East Point. SORBA Atlanta is proud and excited to partner with the City of East Point to bring these trails to you next spring with the help of volunteers like you. SORBA will be providing some coffee and morning snacks (Donuts, bagels, biscuits or similar)
1. Long Sleeve Shirt, Pants, a Hat or Headcover (Don’t come in shorts please) 2. Work boots or shoes you don’t mind getting dirty 3. Gloves (we will have some to borrow, but yours are better) 4. At least one water bottle 5. Your friends and family here will be something to do for everyone, as we have a LOT to get done. On the agenda: 1. Continued Trash pickup 2. Privet and English Ivy Removal 3. New Trail Building 4. Cleanup and modification of existing walking trails. We will have a waiver for you to sign for you and any minors attending.

10-17-2017 Old Grey Barn CX Old Grey Barn returns to Georgia Cyclocross Series p/b Terrapin on Sunday, October 22. The pastures will be back! They have changed from years past, but the challenges are much more fun after a wet year and some bedding in of new trails. Practice your leaning off the back of the saddle because it goes downhill fast. Other portions of the course this year include a long gravel start/finish, some wooded sections of trail, a trip around the upper pond, a little zigzag of One Tree Hill, maybe getting your feet wet, a traditional trip through the Old Grey Barn, Heckler Hut, and possibly another surprise obstacle. We’ll have some more of that Seriously Great BBQ from Dalton, GA. There will be a $1 contribution for parking this year which goes directly back into Georgia NICA MTB. 100% of the proceeds go into supporting high school MTB in Northwest Georgia. If you want a partial preview of the course, then we’re running Old Grey Barn, the TBRA edition, on Saturday October 21st. Note there will be slight changes between the Saturday and Sunday courses. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone out on Sunday, October 22nd at 1565 Old Ringgold Road, Rocky Face, GA and Old Grey Barn 2017.

The true meaning of Single Speed. Enjoy your Terrapin on a bike during a race! Elks Aidmore CX Day 1.

10-16-2017 Elks Aidmore CX Photos My photos from Day 1 & Day 2 of Elks are up at

Jim Bilotto of L5 Flyers soars over the barriers at Elks Aidmore CX Day 2.

Woody Gap Paving Closure If you are heading to the Gaps during the week, listen up! From GDOT What: Weather permitting, Georgia DOT maintenance crews will close a section of State Route 60 (aka Woody Gap) to preform routine and preventative maintenance tasks to the roadway. Where: State Route 60 between Stone Pile Gap and the Union County Line (approximately 5 miles). When: Work hours will be Mondays through Thursdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. beginning Monday October 16, 2017.

10-13-2017 Turkey Cross Press Release Southern Cycling Operations and KnoxVelo announce the 6th Annual Turkey CX race on Saturday November 25, 2017 at Loudon Municipal Park, 1470 Roberson Springs Rd, Loudon, TN 37774. Loudon Municipal Park offers an excellent venue with plenty of parking, covered pavilion, and 2 restroom buildings. The park is located less than 1 mile from Interstate 75. The park also provides many options to present a challenging but fair course to test the abilities of all riders. Food will be available for a minimal fee. SCO and KnoxVelo are proud to offer a purse of $2600 across all categories. Equal payout for the top 5 places in the Pro 1/2/3 men and women. Cash is paid in every category except youth and juniors. Race a second race for only $5. Youth races are FREE. All benefits from this event will be donated to the Loudon County Boys and Girls Club. This donation will assist the club to continue their work with the community youth. .

Blanket’s Creek Trail Party From SORBA Woodstock Love our trails? Join the trail party at Blanket’s Creek, 9:00am, October 14th. 9 am -1 pm. Projects include hand cutting a new approach to the South Loop, rock armoring, wooden structure maintenace, sign work but NO DRAIN CLEANING. Bring gloves, water, and wear closed toe shoes. We will provide the tools and lunch. See you at 9:00 am.

10-12-2017 Cochran Mill Work Party From SORBA Atlanta We have our monthly work party at Cochran Mill Park this Saturday. We will be doing tread work on “Tasty Grub,” off the Red trail. This is a ride in/ride out work party, so bring your bike, a helmet, wear long pants and shoes you can ride and work in. Also bring water, snacks, gloves and your Epi pen if you are allergic to bees. We’ll meet at the main parking lot at 9 am. See you there!

10-11-2017 Elks Aidmore CX This Weekend! Elks Aidmore Benefit CX is coming back for it’s 11th year in the Georgia Cyclocross Series p/b Terrapin on October 14th-15th. Come race a unique course full of varying terrain. Will the infamous ditch be making a comeback? Come race to find out!

Proceeds from the race go to benefit the Elks Aidmore Children’s home who graciously let us race on their property. Free camping in the main parking area by the race start (up the hill on the other side of the trees) will be available Friday and Saturday night as well as bathrooms and showers. Save yourself $10 and time in line by pre-registering at pre-registration will close at midnight Thursday. Rumor has it that there might be podium cookies, but you better pre-register to insure you receive them. Remember to bring you’re bib number if you already raced at Boundary Waters or pay $5 for a replacement. Check out for more information about the series.

Blankets and Rope Mill Trail Closures  From SORBA Woodstock Blankets Creek will be closed until Thursday 10-12. Rope Mill will be open Wednesday 10-11. Hollywood is coming to Blankets Creek to film on the trails and they are making a generous donation to the SORBA Woodstock trail fund.

10-10-2017 Beginner and Intermediate Women’s MTB Clinic Calling all beginner and intermediate mountain bike ladies (Sorella and non-Sorella)!!! Plan on joining Alexandra Martinez and Stefanie Wilmert both cat 1 MTB racers in xc and endurance racing with 15+ years of racing experience as they host a clinic for Sorellas and lady friends! November 12th 10 am at Allatoona Trails Beginner/Intermediate Clinic It will start at 10 am and last till approx 1pm including ride time. This is a beginner and intermediate clinic. We will go over basic mountain bike maintenance, how to change a flat..etc., bike fit, and nutrition tips. We will then go over bike handling techniques such as cornering, braking and riding over obstacles comfortably. After the instruction we will do a no drop ride around the trails at Allatoona. A mountain bike and helmet are required. Please RSVP on facebook or email Alexandra if you are not on Facebook at

10-9-2017 Bookwalter Binge Gran Fondo Brent & Jamie Bookwalter invite you to ride in the Bookwalter Binge Gran Fondo on Saturday October 28, 2017. Join us for a relaxed Gran Fondo ride, studded with racing on timed segments of tough climbs that provide an epic challenge to all.

Three routes of varying length traverse some of the most beautiful roads in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina:
• 7,400 ft of climbing in 83 miles
• 5,500 ft in 62 miles
• 2,500 ft in 29 miles.

This is an unusual opportunity to ride alongside female and male pro cyclists as they celebrate the end of their season racing all over the world and the country. Our accessible pros ride all three routes, and along with Brent Bookwalter, they are inspired by cyclists of all backgrounds and abilities. The ride begins and ends at Pisgah Brewing, one of the oldest craft breweries in the Asheville area. Bikes, beers, autumn colors, Asheville…you know you want to do it! Learn more about the ride! Registration is open! Volunteers are needed to help–click here to volunteer! Goodies for volunteers include a tshirt and meal at the Binge!

10-6-2017 GRANT PARK CX CANCELLED Due to forecasted thunderstorms and lightning Grant Park CX Cup is CANCELED this Sunday. We will be adding Ellenwood CX Ranch to the GACX schedule for Saturday November 4th. All pre-registered riders entries will be transferred. If you pre-registered and will be unable to attend please contact Clay Parks.

10-5-2017 Mostly Mutts Ride to Rescue Press Release – Ride to Rescue is a bike ride for charity with 100% of the proceeds being donated to Mostly Mutts Animal Rescue. The event began six years ago, created by a small group of avid, weekend and novice cyclists coming together once a year to raise money and awareness to help rescue animals from the area’s overcrowded shelters.The sixth annual Ride to Rescue, formerly called “Operation for the Love of Dog,” will be in a beautiful new location in White, Bartow County, near Sosebee Bike Park. There will be three different rides to choose from – a Full Metric Century (62 miles); a Half Metric Century (31 miles); and an 8-mile Fun Ride. There will be activities for the whole family including food, music, vendors, and a petting zoo. “We are very fortunate to be a part of this event which raised over $18,000 last year. This is becoming one of our biggest annual fundraisers and we are hoping for a great turnout”, said Tammy Turley, Executive Director. Registration is open.

10-4-2017 Grant Park CX This Sunday, October 8th is the second race of the Parks-Law Georgia Cyclocross Series p/b Terrapin – Grant Park CX! Join us for the only series race in the city of Atlanta. GPCX is brought to you by the Litespeed-BMW and L5Flyers Cycling teams and presented by Loose Nuts Cycles. This Nick Van Winkle-designed course will be fast, twisty, turny, technical, and will of course include the famous heckle hill. Racing starts at 9:20 am and will feature all ages from a kids race to 60+ masters.  For a detailed race schedule please visit the GACX website.  Registration is open at USA Cycling and pre-registration is highly recommended, as it will not only help us be better organized, but will save you money as well. If you already have a number from Boundary Waters make sure to bring it, otherwise you’ll be charged a $5 fee for a new one. Grant Park CX is located at 537 Park Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30312. Race parking is at the Zoo Atlanta Cherokee Ave lot (the Boulevard lot is currently closed). Please remember that we are guests at the park and all park rules apply. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

9-28-2017 Ride and Fly Trails Work Party Ride & Fly Trails – Kick-off clean up day! Saturday, October 14 9 am-Noon, 3224 Dodson Drive Connector East Point, GA 30344, It’s officially time to get started on the Ride & Fly Trails. SORBA Atlanta and the City of East Point have partnered to develop what we hope will eventually become a series of connecting trails throughout the ATL Airport District by starting with beautiful Skyes Park in East Point. SORBA Atlanta is proud and excited to partner with the City of East Point to bring these trails to you next spring with the help of volunteers like you and with the help of Keep East Point Beautiful. We have a lot of work to do to make that happen, starting off with a park clean-up day. So gets some rest, fill up on your spinach and bring you and your friends to Sykes Park Saturday, Oct. 14th for our first work day.

9-26-2017 Women’s Bike Maintenance Clinic Monday, October 16 at 6 PM – 7 PM. Come out to the FREE women’s bike maintenance clinic sponsored by Sorella and Atlanta Cycling (ANSLEY LOCATION–1860 Piedmont Ave, ATL, 30324) on Monday October 16 from 6 to 7p. Then join us afterward for a burger next door! It’s hands on, and whatever level you are is just fine. If you’re an old hand, come help out! 1) ON ROAD: Tire changing, CO2 cartridge, ‘boot’, other on road fixes we could do w/tire or shifting or chain or brakes rubbing 2) AT HOME MAINTENANCE: Good bike cleaning including derailleurs, how/where to lube afterwards. Avoiding squeaks. Knowing what to look for in shifters, cables, rings, derailleurs, tires, that signal something is wrong

9-25-2017 Sunday, October 1st the Parks Law Georgia Cyclocross Series p/b Terrapin kicks off at Boundary Waters park in Douglasville Ga. Smyrna Bicycles, Equipe Sports Productions and Grayson Tudor State Farm have teamed up to bring a great day of racing to Douglasville!  Boundary Waters Park has become a regular stop on the series and for good reason. The race course is fast and fairly flat-resulting in close racing that requires tactics as well as technical skills. For spectators, the entire course can be viewed from one vantage point allowing you to see all the action as it unfolds.  The park also has plenty of parking, indoor restrooms, hiking trails, and a paved cycling path.

New for this year Grayson Tudor State Farm presents the “Jekyll Heckle Pit”.  Located at the main junction in the center of the course, they’ll be serving up food, drinks, music and live play by play announcing.

Racing starts at 9:20 am and will feature all ages from a kids race to 60+ masters.  For a detailed race schedule please visit the GACX website.  Registration is open at USA Cycling and pre-registration is highly recommended, as it will not only help us be better organized, but will save you money as well. Boundary Waters Park is located at 500 Ga-92, Douglasville Ga 30135.  Please remember that we are guests at the park and all park rules apply.  For further information contact Equipe Sports Productions at or 404-953-5251.  We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

9-23-2017 GBRA Nominations for The 2018 Georgia Bicycle Racing Association (GBRA) Board of Directors Are Now Open Please Submit Nominations for: Rider’s Representative, Club Representative, Promoter’s Representative, Official’s & Coaches Representative, At-large Representative. Send nominations to: Voting for the 2018 GBRA Board of Directors begins October 5th. Online Voting will close October 31st. Voting may also take place in-person at the GBRA Annual Meeting, November 5th. GBRA Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 5th. More details to follow. The 2018 Schedule Planning and Promoter’s Meeting will take place on Nov 5th, immediately following the Annual Meeting.

Big Creek Fall Family MTB Festival From RAMBO: October 7 at Big Creek Park – join RAMBO and local bike shops as we celebrate Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day with a festival full of Mountain Biking fun events and food. It’s RAMBO’s time to give back to the great biking community in Roswell, Alpharetta and Forsyth County. We hold a number of fun events during the festival like a Kid’s Skills Clinic, Pump Track time trials, kid’s MTB time trial and much more. We start the event at 9:00 AM and finish up by 3:00 PM. RAMBO provides lunch for all (supplied by RAMBO expert chefs using our party grill). The event takes place in the lower lot of Big Creek Park and starts at 10:00 AM.